Chapter 5:Killian comes to.

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Few hours later Hook comes to. He tried to sit up but fell back in pain.

"ah, bloody hell!" He says grabbing his head

He looks around at his surroundings and notices that he is in what would be his and Emma's room in their house. However he doesn't remember asking Emma to move in yet. He slides out of bed not noticing Emma by him yet. Then he goes into the bathroom and looks in the mirror.

"What the hell?!" He says.

That's when he notices his long hair and beard. He turns his head to the right slightly and notices the giant cut on his neck.

"How am I still breathing?" He asks himself.

After he leaves the bathroom he goes to a full body mirror hanging on the door and notices his clothing. He wears his leather pants that are badly ripped and Emma's red leather jacket. He also notices that his Hook is missing.

"When did i put this on? Just fantastic." He says regarding the jacket and no hook.

As he stands at the mirror, he hears a little whimper. He turns and that's when he sees Emma starting to stir from sleep.

"Swan?!" He says going over to her.

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