Chapter 15:The Man himself

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Emma and Killian just stare at him in response.

"Ugh, Charon always letting uninvited guest in my home.I wanted to see who it was this time truthfully I'm not disappointed, Savior." Hades says.

Hades comes into the light and reveals himself.He is a huge man with flaming blue hair and eyes that have yellow irises with black as night pupils similar to the car they came in.His skin that is exposed is a sickly grey color. He wears a long black toga that as a skull bead on one of the sleeves.In his hand he holds a mean looking staff. He smiles at them and it's the most sinister thing Emma has seen in a long time.

"Oh, you don't have to stare so frightened. I'm not that scary." He says

When they still don't move, he continues.

"Alright, perhaps I am a little frightening in this state. Let's try something else." He says walking towards them and changing before their very eyes.

Hades appearance is now this. He wears a black shirt with a blood red vest. On top of the shirt is a long black leather coat. He also wears black leather pants and black combat boots. His pupils are still as black as they were but now his irises were white. He has shrunk down to normal human size and now has human skin. His hair is red and spiked up. Around his neck he wears a skull chain and around his fingers he wears rings.

"Come in, I've been waiting for this moment." Hades says, going behind a still silent, Emma and Hook then pushing them forward.

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