Ch-3 So which is your most favourite Surah?

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  • Dedicated to My Loving Family and dear Chotu

                 In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

 "Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s), all his descendents and companions."


“If the hearts are pure, they will never have enough from reciting Allah’s words (the Holy Qur’an).”

                                                                     -Uthman ibn Affan (r.a)


“Can I ask you something Didi?” I said to my elder sister, plopping down beside her on the soft bouncy bed.

“Mhm…” was her vague response. She and her laptop were like some lone island among the sea of notes and books. With unwavering attention on the bright screen, she seemed to be typing something very carefully. Most probably her survey thing.

I don't know about others but for me, it always takes time to settle in a nice, comfy position, especially in a bed. I patted some pillows behind my back, moved a bit, stretched my legs and was about to sigh contently when I remembered something very important.  

 “Didi, where is my sea blue pillow?” I asked suspiciously, my eyes searching everywhere. They rested on the laptop, which was sitting happily on top of my favourite sea blue pillow. Ya Rahman! How can this…?

“Didi!” I almost shouted.

“Wha… What?” She looked around blinking, her pretty face tired and confused.

“What is it Gudi?” She repeated, wearily rubbing her eyes.

“Oh, well, nothing” I shrugged, vainly commanding my gaze not to look at the pillow again. It disobeyed, and Didi who had followed it with her own eyes exclaimed.

“Ya Allah! I am so sorry dear; I really did not see it was your sea blue one, here, have it,” She pulled and handed it to me through my feeble protests. “I usually don’t forget about your most precious possession, huh?” She twinkled.

I grinned and hugged my precious fluffy possession closer.

“You are tired Didi,” I said, giving her another pillow to place beneath the laptop. “May I help you to type?”

“No Gudi Jazak Allah,” She shook her head. “You already helped me with the entire survey, and you know I can manage the typing Insha Allah, it is the A.P. ma’am’s approval I am thinking of; nothing pleases her and this is the third time I am rewriting almost everything,” She sighed and fell flat on her back with a loud ‘thump’.

“Allah help me! This is final. No matter what that lady says tomorrow, I can’t and won’t rewrite again.” She moaned, her gaze fixed towards the heavens.

“Don’t worry Didi dear,” I said, softly stroking her hair. “Insha Allah Rahman will surely help you, you have been working on it since you came home and I know she will approve it tomorrow Di, take a break now and come and do what you like best,” I grinned and announced somewhat dramatically, “Hot and delicious dinner is waiting for the famished souls!”

She grinned back. “You always know how to comfort me best Gudi, I guess I will have to close these now,” She said, indicating her various books and notes. “One can’t reject such tempting invitation, besides I am starving,” She rubbed her tummy. “I don’t know where that coffee and biscuits went.”  

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