Ch-4 An Awesome Discovery

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          In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

 “Peace and Blessings of Allah (Glorified and Exalted is He) be upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s), all his blessed descendants and noble companions.”

                                                               - Aameen.

 Dedicated to Popsxx for she was the first on Wattpad to ask Dua for Didi and Bhaijaan:)))


Abdullah ibn Mas'ud (R.A.) reported that Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) said, "Everything has an adornment, and the adornment of the Qur'an is Surah Ar Rahman."

                 - [Bayhaqi in Shuab al Eiman].

Chapter Four

It was one of those hurly burly days where everything passes in a confused blur and people sped, hurried, and flew about and around you as if they had suddenly grown wings. Our whole house had been turned topsy-turvy since that one little phone call… One may wonder who is that very important personality for whom our entire home was twice washed and thrice cleaned and a dozen times changed etc. until it shone and sparkled and glowed with a happy, giddy grin.

It was certainly not the president, no not even the prime minister who had called because if it had been so, Ammi won’t have gone to such elaborate lengths of cleaning etc. just because it is some great person of the country. It was actually none other than Dadima, our paternal grand mother, so yeah that means she is ‘Mother in law’ to Ammi. And I guess one can easily understand now why Dadu (our short name for Dadima) is more important than some big person of the State…well that’s why from dawn till noon I had been scrubbing, cleaning, washing and what not. Yet the chores I did were nothing compared to what Ammi and Didi were doing. Didi with her hair tied in a messy bun and carrying a sleek, long broom in her hand literally flew from one room to another reminding me of pretty witches playing exciting Quiddich matches…Ah those were some days! When even the dead tiredness of a long day at school won’t deter me from completing an awesome part of the Potter series in one single night.

Cocking my head to one side, I was critically surveying Abba’s large bookshelf. Hmm…not bad, yet it could use some better arranging than the state in which it was now. Didi had just plopped down on the sofa with a long, tired sigh while Ammi was looking at the pink tablecloth as if she was not satisfied with it at all.

“I think I will dust and arrange the bookshelf.” I announced picking up a disposable rag.

“What? NO!” “Absolutely Not!” Ammi and Didi declared in unison.

“What?” I asked innocently.

“Gudi dear we all know why you are not allowed to ‘arrange books’ as you call it.”

“But Ammi…” I protested. So if you must know what was wrong with me and arranging books is, once I take a book in my hand to dust and arrange it I simply forget what I had to do and lose myself in all those books. And this happened not once or twice but every time when I start to arrange some bookshelf, I become delighted with the sight of so many books all around me that I lose my head in happiness and say to myself that I will read just this one page, it looks so interesting… and one can’t go on with such dull tasks as dusting when thrilling, exciting things were happening in between those pages… so yeah thus I sit till hours pass, shadows deepen and noon mellows into night. And don’t even imagine for a moment that I escape all those scolding and lectures about laziness etc., ah no, I have had my fair share of them all.

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