Ch-7 That which engulfs my soul in peace

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  • Dedicated to Gudi, an odd girl who calls herself abdurRahman

 Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem

Peace and Blessings of Allah (Glorified and Exalted is He!) be upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW), his blessed descendents and noble companions.


  "Verily, this Qur’an guides to that which is most just and right and gives glad tidings to the believers (in the Oneness of Allah and His Messenger Muhammad [peace be upon him]), who work deeds of righteousness, that they shall have a great reward (Paradise).” (V.17:09)


Yes this is what I listened to in my iPod (check the last chapter) and it never fails to soothe my aching heart and yearning soul...I do hope the English transliteration of Surah Ar-Rahman is a help and for the correct Tajweed and Makhraj, please see the video on the side because the real essence and beauty of the Qur’an could never be transliterated or translated. While listening to the video, be prepared and don't tell me I did't warn you ;))) for you will be completely blown away by its awesome divineness! And no matter what mood am in but when I listen to Surah Ar Rahman, I find that my soul is always engulfed in everlasting peace...


 Chapter Seven


                     Surah Ar-Rahman (The Most Gracious)

         I seek refuge in Allah from the Shaytan, outcast

   In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

   1. Ar-Rahmaan

 [The Most Gracious (Allah)!]

2. Allamal Qur'aana

[Has taught (you mankind) the Qur'an (by His Mercy).]

3. Khalaqal insaana

[He created man.]

4. Allamahul bayaan

[He taught him eloquent speech.]

5. Ashshamsu walqamaru bihusbaan

[The sun and the moon run on their fixed courses (exactly) calculated with measured out stages for each (for reckoning, etc.).]

6. Wannajmu washshajaru yasjudaan

[And the herbs (or stars) and the trees both prostrate.]

7. Wassama a rafa 'Aaha wawada Aalmeezaan

[And the heaven He has raised high, and He has set up the Balance.]

 8. Alla tatghaw fil meezan

[In order that you may not transgress (due) balance.]

9. Wa aqeemool wazna bilqisti wala tukhsirool meezan

[And observe the weight with equity and do not make the balance deficient.]

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