Chapter 6:Ella and Flirting

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Sam's P.O.V

I was standing by the water waiting for Chloe to appear and then finally she came out wearing nothing but a bikini. 


The white bikini really showed how tanned she is. Her figure was perfect. He long hair was curled and her dark eyes were outlined by eyeliner. I stood there with my mouth open and she was just staring at me.

Chloe's P.O.V

I went and stood beside him waiting for Ella to give me directions telling me where to stand. Suddenly she appears wearing a short white dress and flip flops.

"Ok Sam. Put your arm around Chloe's tiny waist and look right into her eyes. Chloe, you put your arms around Sam's neck and look at the camera." Ella yelled.

I did as I was told and I felt Sam's arm wrap around me and I could feel him staring at me. Ella did her count down and the camera man took the photo.

"Ok done!" Ella yelled and threw an envelope at me with $1500 in it and after she did that she ran to Sam.

Sam's P.O.V

I saw Ella throw and envelope at Chloe and then she ran over to me.

"Hey Sam, do you want to have dinner together?" She asked.

"Um I can't, sorry!" I answered.

"Well maybe we can go back to a hotel then?" She asked and winked.

"Don't forget to use protection!!" Chloe said as she walked past us.

Chloe's P.O.V

"Don't forget to use protection!!" I said as I walked past Ella and Sam. 

Ella ran after me and I could tell this wasn't gonna end good. She yanked my hair and held me by the throat. I kicked her and she fell to the ground. She grabbed a rock and smashed it against my face. I could feel my eyebrow bleeding. Ella was scratching me and still hitting me with the rock. I couldn't focus on anything anymore, I was going to pass out. I heard Sam and Liam screaming at Ella and then I felt someone's lips on mine. Then I passed out.

I woke up and I was laying in someone's bed. I tried to sit up but I couldn't then I noticed the bandages on my arms and I lifted my arm to feel my eyebrow and I felt stitches. 

"Josh?" I called out but no one answered. Then I saw a shirtless Sam coming out of the bathroom. He was gorgeous...

"Chloe, wait I'll help you sit up!" He said rushing over to me, his hands were nice and warm. He was gentle.

"Where's Ella?"

"Eh, she's is prison..She tried to kill so you Liam called the police and they arrested her." Sam said  while giving me a hug. He was shirtless so I just cried on his bare shoulder.

"Hey, I have an idea. I don't need to go for filming today so why don't we have a movie night?" Sam suddenly asked.

"I'd love to!" I said giving him a warm smile. He grabbed lots of movies and sat beside me on the bed, I snuggled up to him and he put his arm around my shoulder. While watching the movie he started kissing my forehead and then my neck. We got carried away and forgot about the movie.

We REALLY got carried away....

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