Chapter 7:The next morning...

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Sam's P.O.V

I woke up with Chloe cuddled up to me and my arm around her waist. I remembered what happened last night and smiled to myself. Slowly I drifted back to sleep. I was woken up by Chloe shaking me and telling me to get up. She was wearing a short strapless white dress and her hair was in a pony tail. 

"Sam, get up. You need to go for filming!!" She said still shaking me. I pulled her into bed for a hug and kissed her shoulder.

"Not now. GET UP!" She got out of bed and yelled. I got up and realized I was naked and that my clothes were not here. I could hear Chloe laugh.

"CHLOE!!!!! COME HERE RIGHT NOW AND GIVE ME MY CLOTHES BACK!" I yelled and ran to the bathroom where she was.

"Fine. Ok. There you go!" She gave me my clothes back still laughing.

I got ready and took Chloe to filming with me cause I didn't want her to stay here by herself. We arrived to the filming site 30 minutes early so Chloe and I went to see everyone else. I could see Jenn and Willow running up to us, Chloe hugged them both and then practically suffocated her.

"What happened last night?!" Jenn asked and I could see Chloe blushing.

"OMG? OMG!? OMG!! You did not? Did you!!" Jenn screamed causing Chloe to turn around and return to me, I put my arm around her shoulder and nodded at Jenn. Jenn practically died.

Chloe's P.O.V

While Jenn was freaking out, I went to talk to Willow and Liam.

"Hey Chloe! How you feeling after Ella's attack?" Liam asked sounding concerned so I showed him the bandages and stitches.

"Wait, what happened?" Willow asked.

"Chloe was attacked by her Chanel modeling agent, there was rocks involved and fists." Liam told Willow as Willow's eyes got bigger and bigger.

We talked for about 20 minutes (Jenn was still freaking out!) and then they all had to go for filming, I stood with Francis and the camera men. It was a fun day and then we went back to our hotels. I was quite worried because I didn't see Josh today but it didn't really bother me since I went back to Sam's hotel room.

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