Chapter 18:One or two lines part 2

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Chloe's P.O.V

There it answer right in front of me....

I wasn't pregnant...A wave of relief ran through my body but also sadness. Jenn looked at the test then at me.

"Are you okay? Should I call Sam?" She asked, I could hear concern in her voice and was I right in saying I could hear a tiny but of sadness.

"No, I'm fine. Don't tell Sam. Please?" I answered whilst throwing the test in the bin and putting a lot of tissue over it so Josh doesn't see it even though he has his own bathroom. Then there was a knock on the door.

"Chloe? Are you in there. What are you doing?!" It was Sam, he sounded scared. I was confused for a second but then I remembered about the cutting.

"I'm fine. I'll be 2 seconds, Jenn is here with me. We to talk." I answered, turning the tap on and washing my hands while Jenn looked at me suspiciously and then splashed me with the cold water.

"JENNNNNNN!!!!!!!!" I screamed, cupping my hands and splashing her.

"C-CHLOE HOW COULD YOU! TAKE THIS!!!" She took the plastic cup that I kept my toothbrush and toothpaste in and filled it with water and then throwing the whole cup on me.

"Are you guys ok there?" Sam asked as we still screamed at each other and splashed water at each other. 10 minutes later Jenn was running from me while I was carrying the cup of water, she ran out in the garden which was a bad choice and she realized it after I cornered her between the edge of the swimming pool and the shed. I quickly pushed her into the water and laughed while she screamed. After a while I held out my hand for her to grab and get out but instead she grabbed it and pulled me into the swimming pool with her. When we got cold we got out of the swimming pool realizing the boys were stood by the edge laughing their heads off. I looked over at Jenn and we thought of the same thing. We sneaked up behind them while they were on the ground laughing and we pushed them in. I started laughing as I saw Sam throw his phone at me before he fell in the water.

"CAUGHT IT!!" I screamed at him while he looked annoyed soon replaced by a smile.

The rest of the day was spent in water, swimming and pushing each other in the water.

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