Chapter 16:Tweets And Trends

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Chloe's P.O.V

I was laying in the hospital bed staring up at the ceiling since Sam and Josh went home to get some sleep.

"How are you feeling Chloe?" Dr Mason asked as he walked in with a nurse.

"I'm fine. When can I go home?"

"Well, we will do some tests now and if they turn out to be good then you can go home tonight."

After that he did some simple movement tests and memory tests and then he left the room for about 10 minutes until he came back.

"Well done, you have made a full recovery and all your test came back good so you are ready to go back home. I've called Sam and he will pick you up in an hours time. When you get home I still want you to stay in bed for at least a day to fully rest and regain your energy. I will prescribe you some medication to take if you feel any pain. I will leave you to get ready. See me before you leave!" He said and left the room leaving me to get ready. I slowly got out of the bed not making any sudden movements. I got my grey leggings and a black hunger games jumper that said "TRIBUTE IN TRAINING". I put on my black wedges that Josh got me for my last birthday. I got my phone and went on twitter. I went on Sam's account and saw something that brought tears to my eyes and also something that made me confused.

Twitter trends and tweets

"Is Shloe real?


"I want to meet SHLOE!"

"I wish SHLOE all the best!"

Those were the nice ones but there were ones like this:

"Ew who is SHLOE?"

"No one has even heard of Chloe and now they're dating?"

"Sam has some explaining cause no one even knows this Chloe? SHLOE SHOULD END!!"

Then I looked at the trends:





I finally put my phone down and felt a familiar pair of arms hug me. Without talking we started walking to his car when I remembered that Doctor Mason wanted to see me before I leave.

"Um Sam, Doctor Mason wanted to see me before we leave, can we go and find him?" I asked.

"Sure, lets go!" He smiled at me and we went to find him. I asked the nurse that was with him when he did the tests on me and she said that he is with another patient but we can wait in his office. Of course about 5 minutes later Doctor Mason walked in smiling when he saw me.

"Ah, you remembered to come and see me. Here is the prescription for your medicine. Now Chloe, I have seen patients with the same condition as you and usually when they find out that they were in a coma, they gave up and fell into a deep depression but you, you kept on fighting until you woke up and now your leaving us. I'm proud of you and I hope you make wiser decisions in the future. Good luck" He shook my hand and we left, his words really affected me. People usually become depressed when they find out they were in a coma. I didn't know that, it was sad.

"Lets go home Chloe. I love you!" Sam said and we went home.

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