Chapter 23:Friend or not?

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Chloe's P.O.V

I was woken up by my phone ringing and when I checked who it was it said Scarlett. She was the head of the New York Fashion Week.

Phone Conversation

Scarlett-"Good morning Miss Hutcherson. I'm sorry to call you this early but will you be able to come to my office in Florida obviously not New York, at about 9:30? I would like to go over the Fashion Week and the clothes you will wear on the catwalk.

Chloe-"I will try my best and also quick question, what brands will I be representing?

Scarlett-"We've given you Prada, Dior, Chanel and Oscar de la Renta.

Chloe-"Oscar de la Renta?! That's like the most expensive clothing brand!"

Scarlett-"Only the best for you. See you at 9:30. Bye

Phone Conversation Over

I sat there with my mouth wide open. Oscar de la Renta?! I got up and had a shower trying to be quiet so I don't wake up Sam who was now hugging a pillow instead of me. After my shower I put on plain black shorts with a golden belt and a white lace top finished off with a Chanel jacket and Prada shoes. I went to do my make up and hair. I heated up my curling iron and curled my hair and then did my make up putting on a natural eye shadow, eyeliner, mascara and some red lip gloss. I grabbed my bag and ran downstairs only to find Georgia sitting on the sofa watching TV.

"Good morning Georgia!" I said as I made myself a cup of coffee offering Georgia one but she had already had one.

"Hey Chloe! Where are you off to?" 

"Scarlett from NYFW called me and wanted to go through some of the outfits I will wear. If Sam wakes up before I'm back please tell him that I went to Scarlett's office. You guys can go to Starbucks or somewhere if I'm not back. Love you Georgia, have to go. Oh and we can go to the cinema or shopping when I return. Bye!"

"Ok sure, Love you too Chloe! Good luck, Bye!" Georgia shouted as I ran out the door and noticed a football in my front yard. Then I saw a guy who looked about 17 years old approaching me. He was kinda cute...

"Hey, I'm Jason. I  just moved across the street. Could you pass me the football?" He asked.

"Hi, I'm Chloe. Where did you move from?" I asked as I passed him his football.

"Los Angeles. My parents wanted to move here because they said I have better chances of becoming an actor in Florida." He answered.

"Oh cool, Well you are lucky because my brother is Josh Hutcherson. Look, I would love to chat with you because you seem really awesome but I need to go to for a meeting." I said as I threw my bags into my car.

"Wait! Chloe? Can I at least get your number or if I'm lucky can I come with you to this meeting?" He asked adding a wink at the end of the sentence.

"I would love some company but I'm not sure how long the meeting will be so if you wait a minute and I could call someone to find out if you can come with me?"

"Sure!" He answered and leaned against the hood of my car. He really seemed like a really nice guy and I really hope that we can be friends.

Phone Conversation

Chloe-"Hi Scarlett, sorry to disturb you but do I have to come alone or can someone else come with me?"

Scarlett-"Ohhh boyfriend?"

Chloe-"No, a friend."

Scarlett-"Is he cute?"


Scarlett-"Fine, he can come with you just no distractions please. Bye!"

Phone Conversation Over

"So can I come with you?" Jason asked.

"Yes you can but I have a question. Doesn't it seem to early for you to come with me, I mean we just met?" 

"We are friends. Nothing bad about that." He said and I nodded. We jumped in my car and I drove all the way to Scarlett's office.

Sam's P.O.V

I woke only to notice that Chloe wasn't beside me so I went downstairs where Georgia was.

"Hey, where's Chloe?" I asked and she spun around so she was facing me with a huge smile plastered on her face, it almost seemed like she was flirting with me.

"She had to go and see Scarlett about NYFW. She will be back soon, don't worry. Has she told you how good looking you are in the mornings?" Georgia asked moving closer to me.

"Uhh no, I'll go upstairs to get changed. Be back in a minute." As I turned around to walk away she grabbed my wrist and pressed a forceful kiss on my cheek causing me to push her away and run upstairs.

She's supposed to be Chloe's best friend. How could she?!

Author's Note

So I added a new guy just to make things more interesting and check the cast to find out who I've chosen to be Jason. Leave comments and vote. Thankssss Bye xoxo

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