Chapter 24:More than friends?

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Chloe's P.O.V

We arrived at the office 10 minutes early so I went to sign in and sat down on the waiting chairs with Jason who tagged along with me even though we had just met.

"Where are we?" Jason asked as my name was called out and I dragged him with me to Scarlett's office.

"You'll see!" I answered and knocked on her office door.

"Come in Chloe!" Scarlett called out and I walked in sitting down on a chair and so did Jason.

"Good morning Chloe. So as you know I want you to take part in New York Fashion Week. You are here to decide what clothes you will wear from the brands we have given you and they are Prada, Dior, Chanel and Oscar de la Renta. So here's a folder with pictures of all the clothes they have given us to use and you can choose which ones you will wear." Scarlett said as she passed me a black folder which had my name on it along with the word 'NYFW' which made me roll my eyes. I could see Jason raise his eyebrows at he understood what he is doing here. It obviously made him bored so instead of opening the folder I turned back to Scarlett.

"Can I take this home and then when I choose the outfits I will call you and tell you?" I asked and she raised an eyebrow.

"Ok, whatever suits you better. You have call me by monday, we don't want this year to be like last year." Scarlett said looking me dead in the eye.

"I promise I will. Bye!" I said and started walking out the door seeing as Jason was already out.

"She seems strict, you okay?" Jason asked as I signed out turning to the receptionist and totally ignoring Jason's question.

"Excuse me? Are Natalia Benson and Bianca Hawthorne here?" I asked knowing that they spend a lot of time here. Even though they are taking part in the fashion show, they mostly work as modeling agents.

"Yes, Natalia is in room 90B, she's free at the moment so you can go and see her." The receptionist smiled and gestured to the lift. I turned to Jason and he just shrugged his shoulders, I smiled apologetically and we walked to the lift. I pressed a button that said Floor B and we went up. As soon as the doors opened I saw 90B staring right at me. I walked over to the door and knocked.

"Come in!" I heard Natalia's soft voice say. I opened the door and ran over to Natalia giving her a huge hug.

"Chloe? Wow, what are you doing here. I've missed you a lot. You okay?" She asked when I finally let go of her and that's when I noticed that tears were falling down my cheeks. Jason quietly sat down on one of the chairs and stayed quiet.

"I don't know. I don't think I can go to NYFW this year, after last year I'm scared." I sighed sitting down as well. Chloe looked quite worried.

"You are ready and I know it. You still have the same address right? I will call you tomorrow and we can arrange to meet up when I'm not at work. I have a client in about 5 minutes so I have to get ready. I love you and you are ready for the fashion week." She said as I gave her one more hug and walked out of her office. We signed out and went to my car.

"So you are a model and your brother is an actor?" Jason asked.

"I'm not just a model, I'm also a dancer. Yes Josh is an actor and a really good one, he could help you or give you private lessons if you want?"

"That would be great, thanks! So are we going home now?" 

"Yes we are." I answered, I was about to start driving when I got a texted from a unknown number, I opened the text and the content shocked me.

"Hello Miss Hutcherson! Your boyfriend is a really good kisser! Xoxo" 

I decided that is was just someone messing about and trying to get me worked up before the Fashion Week. I was about to put my phone back in my bag when Georgia called me.

Phone Conversation

Georgia-"Hi babe! When will you be home? It's getting boring without you!"

Chloe-"Hi Hun. I'm about to start driving home now, I'll be there in about 20 minutes so get ready and in 20 minutes come outside and wait for me in the garden. Love you, bye!" 

Phone Conversation Over

I put my phone in my bag and started driving, I was trying to concentrate on the road but my mind kept on wandering back to the text I got earlier. Technically Sam and I weren't dating but what were we then? Friends with benefits? Secret lovers? Friends?!

Author's Note

So as you can see this chapter is really bad!! Chloe's last year accident during the NYFW will be revealed in the next 10 chapters and I've chosen Zac Efron to be Jason. Leave a comment saying what you think and leaving some ideas. The next 5/6 chapters will be the NYFW and every chapter will be a different brand so the first one will be when she's representing Prada and so on....

Bye xoxo!!

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