Christmas special

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(Mori left Saku right Miki top)
A/N Merry Christmas my lovely dragons this is for you consider this a gift from me to you.

Saku Pov

Today is Christmas Eve and I still need to finish shopping.

I walked around with Mori and Haruhi.

I got the rest of the host club there gifts but I need something special for Mori.

That's where Haruhi comes in.

If I find a gift special enough for Mori I know he'll be happy.

Mori has been teaching martial arts so he has been quite busy lately.

I called the host club because I'm going to make dinner and there invited.

We passed a store that caught my eye.

I seen a perfect ring for Mori.

Haruhi seen my gaze and asked Mori for help to shop for Tamaki.

I walked in and looked closely at the ring.

'Forever together' was engraved in it.

I then bought it and asked for it to be wrapped.

I found Haruhi and Mori in the food court in the mall we were at.

Later after we ate we walked out and to the Limo that was waiting.

We drove in silence.

We dropped Haruhi off at Tamaki's house and drove to ours.

When we walked through the doors we were tackled by Mimi.

"Hi mom sup pops!" Mimi shouted

I giggled a bit and hugged back as did Mori who chuckled.

"Hi Mimi Merry Christmas Eve" I said

"MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE!!!!" Mimi shouted and ran off

I looked around the house to see nothing.

"The maids didn't find the decorations?" I asked Mori who shook his head

"MOMMY WHERES THE TREE!!!!!" Mimi shouted

"*sigh*Looks like I need to call the host club." I said pulling out my phone

Couple minutes later~

"You guys really are quick" I said as the host club came in with decorations.

Mori walked in from the backyard carrying a tree.

"Good Mori has the tree and you guys have the decorations.Let's get started!" I said

Few hours later~

We put up the decorations all there is to do now is put on the tree topper.

"MOMMY I NEED A LIFT!!" Mimi shouted as she tried to reach the top of the tree

Mori walked over to her and picked her up.

"Mimi your a little old to be picked up aren't you?" Kyoya asked with a smirk

"I'm only 13......" she mumbled

I then came out of the kitchen.

"Ok guys who's hungry?" I asked

"ME!!!" everyone shouted

They started racing to the kitchen but Mimi found a way to knock them all down and was in the kitchen first.

"I made steak,Haruhi made the mashed potatoes with gravy and I made the salad." I said setting everything down

We all digged in and laughed and talked.

It was like the good old days.Filled with smiles laughter and above all the sense of family.

I'm glad to be with them.The host club aren't just a group of boys and a girl,it was a group of friends,my friends.My family.

We tried to get Kyoya Honey and the twins to tell us who they found to spend the rest of there life with but they won't tell.

I then brought out a big chocolate cake.

After we ate we started a fire in the fireplace and sat around it.

We talked for hours on end until they all fell asleep one by one.

Mori and I were the only ones awake.

I checked the time.


If Santa is going to show up we better get to bed.

Mori helped me grab some blankets and pillows.

We then walked to our room hand in hand.

I layed there next to Mori who had me in a warm embrace.

"I love you Mori" I whispered slowly falling to sleep

The last thing I heard was Mori saying'I love you more'

"I love you most" then I was out

Next day~

"MOM DAD GET UP SANTA CAME!!!!" Mimi shouted scaring the heck out of us seeing as how we landed on the floor.

Mori landed on top of me and we turned to the doorway to see everyone awake.

"Isn't it a little early to bed doing that Saku?" the twins asked

Kyoya just took a picture and walked away.

"Go Takashi!" honey shouted


We both got up and walked out after brushing our teeth.

There were a ton of presents under the tree and in the stockings.

We opened each other's gifts.

We each got a lot of things such as clothes, jewelry along with games.

We then started preparing for dinner.

We are all making a honey ham with cranberry glaze,red potatoes with Italian spices, and some salad and little treats as well.

After all the work we did it came out delicious.

After all the food we ate and the desert we fit into our stuffed stomachs everyone left to be with family.

That night Mori and I walked out into our garden as Mimi ran around.

We sat at a bench and I pulled out my gift to Mori.

"Here Mori this is your special gift from me to you.I hope you like it" I said handing him to box

He opened it and was shocked.

"You got this for me?" he said

"Of course" I said smiling

He put the ring on and hugged me.

"It's beautiful but not as beautiful as you Saku" he said

He then handed me a gift as well.

"I also got this for you" he said and I opened it

It was a silver ring with a diamond line.

It also has some engraved writing.


I then felt tears in my eyes.

"I love it!" I said hugging Mori and kissing his cheek.

I put the ring on above my wedding ring just like he did his.

"We'll forever be together right Mori?" I asked laying my head on his shoulder

He leaned down and kissed my lips which I returned.


We laughed and began walking inside.

"Forever and Always" Mori said as we looked at the sky that now has snow falling down.

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