chapter 8

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"I'm so glad you joined us!" Tamaki said as he spun around.

I sat there in the school uniform annoyed.

'I should've ran when I had the chance. What the hell was I thinking!' I scolded myself.

Tamaki kept talking and I began to analyze the room for a way out.

'Damn it. Only windows and they don't open.' I thought.

The door was guarded by the twin boys who were just playing a game.

I then began to feel pain.

'Shit. I forgot about the beating.' I thought as I get a metallic taste in my mouth.

I quickly stood up and walked to the back room ignoring everyone. I walked into the bathroom and locked the door behind me.

I rushed to the sink and spit out the blood.

I began to rinse out my mouth before lifting up my shirt and felt around my stomach. I winced a couple of times and came to the conclusion that a rib has been bruised.

'What a pain in the ass.' I thought and quickly fixed myself before opening he door and walking past the group.

"Saki-chan! Are you okay?" Honey asked in concern.

"Yes. Now stand aside." I said going around him.

'I'll have to run by the hospital on my way home.' I thought as I made my way towards the door.

"Where do you think you're going?" Kyoya asked.

"Away from here." I said and reached to open the door but the twins stopped me.

"You can't leave yet." they both said and placed an arm around my shoulders.

"Get off of me. Now." I growled.

They both had a mischievous smile painting their faces and replied,"No."

I grabbed their wrist and gave them a final warning but again they refused. I then flipped them both over my shoulder and they landed on the ground with a thump.

Haruhi called out to me as I opened the door.

"How could you do that to them?" she shouted.

"I gave them fair warning. They chose not to listen." I said with a shrug and my phone began to vibrate.

I pulled it out and answered.

"We got a problem in the west side." Ren said.

"On my way," I said and hung up before running down the halls.

My name was called but I ignored them.

I flew out of the school and seen Ren sitting on his bike and was holding mine.

I quickly jumped on not even bothering with my helmet before we both sped off down the street.

We swerved past cars and trucks until we got to our destination.

Warehouse fifty-seven.

I parked my bike and walked in and seen my group.

"What's the situation." I asked looking around the room.

"The shadows are trying to take over some of our territory. We caught them the other day trying to place their mark on one of our buildings." Sho said.

"Any word from them besides the obvious sighting." I asked.

"Nothing." Lin said.

I sighed before looking at them with a smirk,"Shall we pay a little visit to the shadows?"

We geared up and headed out.

We arrived in the west part of the city and low and behold there mark was on one of our buildings.

I got off my bike and had the others stay back before I walked in.

"Look who came to our territory boys! The cousin of the legendary dragon gang leader!" Kyle said with sarcasm and venom in his voice.

"Your men were in our territory and I'm here to find out why." I growled.

"Who? Us? Why would we cross to your territory?" He said again with sarcasm.

"You thought we wouldn't notice because we have been on the down low ever since the leadership has been changed. But even so, did you truly believe we would let you get away with trying to trespass?" I said and took a step forward.

Guns were pulled out and pointed my way and I smirked.

"Do you think you can come on our territory and threaten me and live?" Kyle said and I chuckled.

"Do you know why i was appointed as leader when my cousin stepped down?" I said and my nails and canines began to grow,"It's because I resemble a dragon."

I then launched myself at Kyle and gun shots rang throughout the air.

I sliced his left arm leaving it useless and I kicked him in the stomach causing him to fly into some crates that were in the warehouse.

I chuckled as my group took out his.

"There is a reason why we are superior. Do you know how long it took us to get to where we are today?" I said as I walked over to the scared leader," We don't take shit from nobody. We take out our enemies. And most importantly we have something like me."

All that people heard was a man screaming for mercy before he was silenced.

I walked out of the warehouse and seen my group giving each other high fives.

"You were awesome boss!" Minho said with a smile on his face.

"Not as awesome as you. I seen that headshot you did." I said with a small smile.

Minho smiled and began rubbing the back of his head.

"Yeah, well." He said and he was pulled into a headlock by Ren.

"Glad to have someone who knows what their doing as leader for the time being." Ren said giving Minho a noogy.

"It's not for the time being. It's permanent. She isn't coming back any time soon." I said as I began to walk to my bike.

Everyone stopped.

"What do you mean?" Ren asked.

"She was tired of this life. Simple. Why she wanted me as leader i'll never know, but here I am." I said with a shrug.

"This can't be right. Your just pulling our leg. Right? This is some kind of prank." Ren continued to deny.

"Do I look like the type to play a childish prank." I said in a serious tone as I climbed onto the motorcycle.

"Ren. She was acting different when she came back remember? When she was gone for six years?" Minho said and Ren fell to his knees.

"That's it? She didn't even say goodbye." He said and tears rolled down from his eyes.

'He always was the emotional one of the group.' I thought as the tears continued to flow from his eyes.

"I never got to tell her." He whimpered.

"Enough. Crying won't bring her back." I said and Ren charged at me.

He grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me off my feet.

"Shut up! What do you know?" He shouted in anger.

"She would have never returned your feelings. She lost those a long time ago." I whispered to him and his eyes widened.

His grip loosened and my feet landed back on the ground.

"You will never be our leader." Ren growled.

"That's fine. I was planning on disbanding the group as were her orders. I will be forming a new group. If you choose to join then that's fine. If not then it is what it is and I wish you luck with what you do." I said and went back to my bike and started it.

I then began to drive off back home.

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