chapter 7

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I walked with Honey and Mori to their classes and in each one there were a lot of girls running to me and asking me nothing but questions.

I simply answered the ones I wanted to answer. Some were personal questions and I told them 'You must pay for the juicy bits.'

They also fawned over Honey and Mori as well. I would watch them bring them cake or something and they would squeal when Mori would say something.

It was lunch and I have memorized the layout of the school. I didn't bring a lunch due to poor planning, so I left to go outside into the maze of rose bushes that I had seen.

Before I could get out of the building I heard someone call to me. So I turned and there was the Host Club. Standing in the doorway of the cafeteria.

"Hey where are you going? The cafeteria is this way!" the twins said at the same time.

"I have no food." I said simply.

But the moment I said that girls began to swarm me holding out their food.

"This is good,try it!"

"My mom made this last night!"

"We can't let you starve!"

The girls kept pushing to get to me and they were far too close for comfort.

"Please ladies. Why don't you enjoy your meals. I am not hungry even though the food looks amazing. Now go and enjoy your lunch." I said with my signature fake smile.

The girls all nodded and walked away with a sway in their steps.

I then began to leave until someone grabbed my arm. I turned to see that it was Mori.

"Will you be so kind as to let go of my arm?" I said with another fake smile.

"You must eat." was all Mori said before the rest of the Host Club walked over.

"We can't leave a student behind to starve!" Tamaki said dramatically.

"Homeless people and poor people don't eat all the time and you are spending your time on me." I said in an uncaring way causing Tamaki to freeze and think about his actions.

I then got out of Mori's grasp and walked away.

I walked outside and into the maze. I sat at a gazebo and just sat their thinking.

'Today was rather eventful. Though I only saw her near Tamaki. She is like a lost puppy following their mom, not knowing what to do.The Host Club are also interesting people. Though Mori doesn't really talk. But I don't really talk unless someone talks to me.Though I wonder why Haruhi was dressed as a boy.' I thought. I was thinking all these things that I didn't notice that someone sat down next to me.

"Why are you by yourself?" Mori asked as I turned to him.

"Because I like to be alone. I always had and always will." I said as I looked back at the rose bush in front of us.

"You can always sit with us." Mori said 

"Yes but I choose not to. I don't really 'hang out' with people unless I have to." I said shrugging my shoulder.

"Sit with us then.You can't always be alone." Mori said with concern laced in his words.

"I can and I will. It's better anyways. I don't want to create ties with people who are just going to leave me in the end." I said as I stood up.

During my little adventure through the maze I noticed a little hiding spot where no one can find people. So I quickly made my way there.

Mori tried to follow me but I was just too quick. I held my knees close to my chest and sat and waited for Mori to leave. But he only pulled out his phone and called someone.

"He is in the maze. I lost him." Mori said

"Alright I'll stay by the gazebo and wait for you there." Mori said again and hung up and walked back to the gazebo.

I sat there a while longer as I heard the Host Club arrive. I then left when they all walked past my spot.

I began walking back to the school and I seen Seika throwing things into the water.

I then recognized the bag to be Haruhi's. 

"Now what did Haruhi ever do to you to deserve such a thing." I said to Seika who jumped.

"Oh it's you. Why would the school allow such trash here." Seika said trying to act tough.

"I figured I'd tell you now. I'm not afraid to hit a girl. Now answer my question." I said with a sickly sweet smile on my face as I took a step towards her.

Seika grew scared and she took a step back.

"He is stealing Tamaki from me. That is something that I can't allow!" Seika said suddenly growing confident.

"Oh? So will it be worth your family's destruction?" I asked as I pulled out my phone.

Seika's eyes widened and she took off running.

I then noticed Haruhi walking over to where the pond was. I then left to go back to class until I was dragged away.

"I heard you were messing with Seika. We don't allow that." some guy said as he and his lackeys began to punch me in the stomach.

I was beginning to cough blood before they resorted to kicking me. 

"How does it feel, Saki? To be put in your place as nothing but a commoner." Seika said.

"Heh. You really think you are better than me?" I said as I struggled to stand.

I glared at them as my bangs covered my eyes.

"Surely you are mistaken. I don't believe you had heard me. I am Saki. Head of the most powerful and richest family, the Kanazawa. Your family are commoners compared to mine." I said as I stood up straight. I wiped the blood away from the corner of my mouth.

"The Kanazawa's are dead!" Seika shouted at me then ran out with the boys behind her.

I walked out after making sure I was fixed up the best I could. I then noticed Haruhi walking down the hall.

"Oh Saki! There you are!" Haruhi said running up to me.

"Why were you looking for me?" I asked.

"Well Tamaki wanted you to join us in the Host Club today." Haruhi said and we began to walk to the music room.

When we opened the doors there was the rest of the Host Club talking with girls.

'How did I get dragged into this?' I thought as the doors closed behind me.

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