chapter 9 ((editing))

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Kyoya has a lot of nerve calling me fat.I mean I'm not fat I'm just to skinny.Not like unhealthy skinny but skinny.

I was walking back to try and find my room again but I can't seem to find it.

I then bumped into someone......or should I say someone's.

If you haven't guessed it was the twins if you knew it was the twins good job you can have some cake with honey and Mori back at the host club.

"Hey where are you going" they said in unison

"Trying to find my room what about you" I said

"We are getting some water then going back to bed.You can come with us if you want" Kaoru said

"Sure why not" I said shrugging my shoulders.

We walked to where the kitchen was and got some water.

I was then completely exhausted so I fell asleep laying my head down on the kitchen table.

When I woke up I felt warm was around me.

I was also in a bed so I looked around and seen the twins on either side of me.

Yes they were awake but they pretended to still be asleep.

"I know your awake now if you would please GET OFF ME YOU PERVERTS!!!" I yelled

"Ok ok we're going we're going" they said as they climbed out of bed.

"You better put some clothes on or I'll knock your sorry butts out" I said darkly

No they weren't completely naked they only had boxers on.

"And I thought Tamaki was the pervert" I said

"He is!!!!" the twins argued

"This is coming from the twins who dragged me to my room and cuddled up to me in nothing but your underwear." I said

"HEY!!" they said

"Hi" I said and walked out before I hurt them.

I began walking until I seen Haruhi up ahead.

"Hey Haruhi do you know where my room is at" I called to her.

"It was right next to mine" she said

"Well hop to it butter cup I don't have all day lets go" I said and started pushing her

"Ummmm it's the other way"

"Your a jerk Haruhi"

I turned her around and began to push her the other way.

When we arrived to my room I took a shower and changed into all black again.

I wrapped my chest with a bandage wrap so that I can still look like a boy.

I looked at the faded scars on my arms and legs.

Why you may ask well when I was little I was beaten and thrown into things.

No I do not cut my wrist because there is no point in doing that.Life is to precious to give up easily.

I just used a special cream that fades the scars.

That way you can't see them that well.

I pulled my hood up and walked out of my room and walked to the window.

I opened it and stood on the sill.

Enjoying the Rays of the sun on my face.

Next thing I know


Something fell scaring the heck out of me and I slipped off the sill.

I was able to grab the edge and I was holding on for dear life.

I looked down and seen the host club leaving with the twins laughing like maniacs.

'So they caused that crash noise' I thought

"Hey where's Saki-chan" Honey asked

"Who knows she might have just left us here" the twins said


"HOW DID YOU GET WAY UP THERE?!?!?!?!" the twins yelled

I started to lose my grip

"Help" I whispered and lost my grip

"SAKI!!!!!!" everyone yelled

All of the host club came running until I felt someone grab my arm.

I looked up and seen Honey.

How the heck is he this strong mostly how is he this fast!!!!

I feel like I'm gonna take him down with me.

"Honey let me go" I said

"Ok" was all he said casually


Then he let go of my hand and I was falling again.

But before I can hit the ground someone caught me.

how I got dragged into thisWhere stories live. Discover now