chapter 3

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I came in the next morning at 7:00 just as promised.

I was the only one who showed up early besides the owner. 

We both began to set up the tables and wipe them down so they were all nice and shiny.

"I didn't know you could speak Spanish. You know I can pay you more for that" the owner said smiling at me.

"No thanks ma'am. I wish to get the same amount as everyone else. I don't want them thinking I get special treatment. Besides I'm making plenty of money. All the tips I get are also plenty. I'm just glad you gave me the job." I said as I was setting things up in the kitchen.

All the coffee makers were set and making coffee. All the treats are being baked. Now I have to change into my butler outfit.

Then some of the employees began to come in just after I finished putting on the accessories such as color contacts and some make up.

Then some of the employees began to come in just after I finished putting on the accessories such as color contacts and some make up

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 I stood by the door with the other employees and waited for the morning rush. We then began to see some students around my age walking around all the shops with distaste. I noticed that they were all wearing these horrible yellow dresses with white stockings and black mini-heeled shoes.

Some of the girls looked our way and seen me. I winked at them and they began to squeal and run in our direction.

As they came up to the door two butlers opened it.

" Welcome Ladies!" we all greeted and bowed

We took their order and more and more girls arrived. They all wore the same yellow puffy dresses.

" Welcome to the Cafe ladies. What can I get for you?" I asked as the girls began to squeal.

They practically ordered everything on the menu. After they paid I told them that I loved all the shops here. And they left to look at all of them.

Then a group of boys walked in. They looked around in awe.

I walked up to them.

"You may sit wherever you would want and I will come by and take your order in a minute." I said walking back behind the counter to get my note pad.

I walked over to their table and began to take their order.

"I will have some Earl Grey tea and a chocolate muffin" a boy with glasses said.

"I will have coffee with the butterscotch cream please" a blonde hyper boy said

"I will have the strawberry cake please!" a small boy said happily

"Water please" the tall quiet boy said

"I'll have a blueberry muffin and what is the black butler special?" one of the twins asked.

"The Black Butler Special is basically black coffee with a special cream imported straight from London. Topped with whipped cream and chocolate drizzled on it." I explained.

" Oh okay. I'll take that then." he said then looked at his twin.

"I'll have the same but no chocolate drizzle on mine" the other twin said.

"Okay and you miss?" I asked and they all looked surprised.

I was confused.

"I'll have just a slice of chocolate cake with some normal milk tea please." she said and I nodded.

I then walked and then took care of their orders.

I then came back with all the treats and drinks balanced on trays as I walked over to them.

"Okay I have your Earl Grey and muffin. Your coffee with butterscotch cream. Your strawberry cake. Your water. Your blueberry muffin and black butler special. Here's your blueberry muffin and black butler special with no chocolate drizzle. And finally your chocolate cake and milk tea. I hope everything is to your liking." I said with a small smile on my face and I heard squealing coming from outside.

I began to walk away until the twins said something.

"You got our order wrong.I'm supposed to not have the chocolate drizzle." one of them said

I looked at them closely.

"Sorry sir but I got the order correct. Unless you went to the restroom and styled your hair so quickly while I was getting your order. I can tell the difference between twins, just look for the big things and not the small things." I said and walked away leaving them all in shock.

The owner was smiling in approval at me and waved me over.

"They do that to all the new employees. The twins love this place. They also love the Black Butler Special. It's their favorite. They also like homemade blueberry muffins. You did wonderful today my dear." she said patting my back before walking away to the boys and girl.

I then rang up their order.

'Should I do separate tags?' Nah I'll know what I'll do. Besides it's not that much.' I thought as I paid for their order.

I then had the receipt get printed and left a little note on it for them.

I walked to their table and left it there when they were to busy with their conversation.

I watched them walk out and the girl carrying the receipt and looking at it confused. Then she called out to the boys. But I didn't get to see what happened next because I left to take care of my other customers.

Mori Pov

"Hey guys! Who paid for everything?" Haruhi called out to us.

We stopped and looked at each other.

"I don't think he came back to give us the amount we owed." Kyoya said

" Well it said that Saki paid for it and there's a note" Haruhi said before reading the note.

But Tamaki already snatched it from her.

"It says ' I hope you enjoyed everything. Have fun in the downtown area'. How nice of this person!" Tamaki said twirling around.

'I wonder. Who really paid for us? Was it that waiter?' I thought looking back at the boy as he helped a group of girls.

We then walked away from the Cafe that Hikaru and Kaoru practically begged to go to.

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