chapter 5

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I awoke in a cold sweat the next morning as my cell phone kept ringing.

"This better be good." I growled when I answered.

"Well I hope this is good. I am the principal of Ouran Academy and a little birdy told me that you are currently not going to school. So I figured you would like to attend our school! You will have to wear a uniform and what not but I'm positive you will like it here! So I am sending a ride to go and get you during the schools lunch hour that way you can begin to get settled in. You can attend for a week to see how you like it. If you do like it I will pay for your education! Now I will see you when you get here.Don't be late!" A hyper man said on the other line before hanging up.

"What the hell? Who told them I wasn't going to school yet?" I asked out loud rather pissed off.

I then tried to remember who I told about me not going to school but no names came up.

"I should call Ken to see if he had finished his end of the bargain." I mumbled as I dialed his number and began to walk around the room and pick up some clothes for the day.

"Hello? Saku?" Ken said on the other line.

"It's Saki. Get it right. Did you finish the paperwork I asked you to do?" I asked as I put him on speaker so that I can get dressed and ready for work.

"Yes sir! Though I had to put your age and that you are currently not going to school. But I got a call this morning from some principal asking for your number." Ken explained.

'So no one told him. He just went through the paperwork that someone must have given him.' I thought as I began to think of names that would fit that description.

"You put no personal things in the paperwork did you?" I asked quickly.

"No sir. Just the basics. Name, age, birthday. That was basically it. I put nothing else down about-"

"Stop.I will talk to you later." I said interrupting Ken and he immediately knew why.

"I will be expecting a call Mr. Saki." Ken said and we both hung up.

'Someone tapped into my phone and began to know that I don't go to school. Principals just don't go online and call random people. So there has to be a purpose behind all of this.

I then walked out of the house and locked the door behind me and began to make my way to Grandma's Cafe.

A limo pulled up next to me and the back window rolled down.

"Where are you going off to?" The girl said looking at me

" I am going off to work. Shouldn't you be going to school?" I asked as I stopped to look at her.

 Shouldn't you be going to school?" I asked as I stopped to look at her

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She was wearing that yellow dress outfit.

"Actually I am going to a cafe. I'm sure that is where you work. Why don't I give you a ride?" the girl said opening the door for me and sliding over.

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