12-Don't Go Shopping Alone

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I talked to Jack and Madi at breakfast about me going shopping with Madi to decorate my room and get new clothes. Jack was hesitant at first, but then I told him that while I was redecorating, I would have to sleep in his room. He agreed pretty fast after that.

The only condition was that we had to go with guards. I wasn't uncomfortable with that, though. Back home, whenever my friends or my mom and I wanted to go shopping, we had to bring extra guards. My dad was overprotective, so I was used to it when Jack was, too. I also wasn't surprised about Jack's overprotectiveness. Mates are all like that, especially Alpha males.

For breakfast, Daniel begged Madi to cook. After breakfast, I was pre-begging for Madi to cook lunch and dinner. She just sighed, and Jack smiled. Apparently this was nothing new. She made the best pancakes I have ever tasted. After asking her to cook again, she told me she'd cook if I did, too. But Madi doesn't know that the only thing I can cook up is a burnt down house. I don't know how many brownie points that would get me with the rest of the pack.

I went up to Madi's room with her before we left. She said something about grabbing credit cards.

When we got the money and credit cards, we were ready to go. There was 6 guards and apparently they were all volunteers. I don't know why they would do that, though. Never voluntarily to go shopping with girls.


The mall here was cool. Even though I wasn't much of a shopper, I couldn't wait. I loved redesigning things back at my old pack house. I enjoyed making things too. For my parent's 20th anniversary I made them a chest with their initials engraved in them.

Our first stops were the clothing stores. The clothes were for us to carry, and the furniture for the guards. Hey, they were the ones who wanted to tag along.

My favourite part of the mall was the huge fountain in the middle of everything. It was so cool, I just wanted to jump in and swim in it. But I realized that I would look stupid, so I stuck with throwing a few coins in it.

We had gone to all clothes stores by lunch. The guards, Madi, and I went to the food court. Since there were the 6 male guards and then Madi and I, it must've looked a little weird to other people, especially the humans. Werewolves probably understood what was happening. By some of the other shopper's scents, I could tell there was a mix of Black Shadow wolves and humans. Wolves from other packs wouldn't be here, as the mall was on Black Shadow's territory. Going on another pack's territory without permission can be punishable by death.

Soon enough we had eaten and rested. It was time to get furniture and decor for my new room. I was super excited to get started on my new project. Madi also said she had been bored, so I have her to help me now. Which is good, because when I paint I'm not very good with the finer details.

Everyone had their hands full by the end of our shopping trip, some more than others (A.K.A. the guards). We were just heading out to go back to the cars when I noticed something. This guy had been following us the whole time. At first I brushed it off, maybe he was heading the same places as us, but he never bought anything and just kept watching us. It was also very unlikely he wanted anything from Victoria's Secret. At first I thought he could be shopping for a girlfriend, but he had no measurements or anything written down.

I was about to turn around and confront him, but his eyes stopped me. He was looking straight at me, and I felt chills run down my back. His eyes were a blood red. I knew immediately what he was. He was a rogue.

One of the guards noticed my stop. He was about to ask what was wrong until he saw the rogue.

"Get out of here, you are on Alpha Lay's territory." A guard, I believe his name was Leo, said quietly. Normally you would shout at the disgusting outcasts, but there was humans around, and we would like to keep the existence of werewolves a secret.

"Oh don't waste your breath, I am just here to send a message to dear Evangeline over here," he said, red eyes gleaming. "Watch your back," he said to me, his foul breath making me cringe.

He disappeared right after that. That was a little weird.

Rogues are werewolves who have been kicked out of packs. Most are crazy, and got kicked out because of acts of violence or mental illness. Some were dangerous and needed to be removed. One of the more common cases for rogues was werewolves challenging the Alpha for his title and losing, and they were banished from the pack.

"Who would want to harm you, Luna?" Leo asked me.

"I don't know. At my old pack, I didn't really get out a lot. I was the only child of an alpha family, a girl too. My dad was over protective. I was even home schooled. Nobody knew me, who would want to get back at me for something?" It was true. My dad was keen on not letting a lot of people meet me for this exact reason. It was dangerous, and their was no way from my parents to get another true blood heir.

"We have to tell Alpha Lay about this." Leo stated.

I knew he was right. Jack would need to know that there was a rogue on his territory anyway, but the fact that the rogue threatened me meant that Jack would most likely freak out.

"You're right." I wasn't happy about it, but he was right.

We had to leave the mall immediately. We walked out of the large building, our trip ruined. I stared at the brick building, wondering how a day going so well took such a turn. And how did they know I'd be at the mall?

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