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Have you ever been so upset that you just walk around being sad, not looking which direction you were going? Well, that was me right now. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going, and ended up back in the kitchen. God, people must think I'm such a food obsessed idiot right now. But I'm always like that, so it doesn't matter.

"Need help?" I heard a voice ask from behind me.

"Huh?" I turned around to see a torso. I am really tired of being short. I looked up and saw a beautiful girl. She had flawless skin and soft looking brown hair. Her wide green eyes were perfect. Her only flaw- the long scar running from her left eyebrow down to her chin. It is extremely hard to scar a werewolf, I have no idea what could have done it.

She must have noticed my zone in on the scar. She smiled. "That, my friend, is a reminder of the dangers of silver and wolfsbane."

She seemed proud of her scar. I guess I would be too, as it shows you've been through something. The only scar I have is about an inch long on my toe, and I got it because when I was fishing the hook got stuck there.

"What did you do to earn that?" I asked her.

"I ran into three hunters in the woods. I took them on three on one and beat them, but not without earning this puppy." She said, motioning to her scar.

"Wow, that is quite the story." I said smiling. "My name is Evangeline, but you can call me Eva." I knew I already liked this girl. She was tough and friendly.

"I'm Madi," she replied.

"So anyways... Do you know where to find Jack's room?" I asked awkwardly.

"Oh, so you're our future Luna..." she beamed at me. "My mate, Daniel, is the Beta. So you and I might be seeing each other lots while our mates work together."

"Ugh. Don't remind me of Jack, he is just... Ugh! I still don't know why my pack was attacked." I huffed.

Madi looked uncomfortable. "Um, why don't you come to my room instead. I bet you have had enough of him." She chuckled.

"How would you know?" I questioned. I may have sounded challenging but I honestly wanted to find out what I was dealing with here. The only thing I knew about Jack is that he was an idiot. If this girl could help me learn more about him, I would be very grateful.

"You are currently talking about my brother. Madi Lay and Jack Lay." Oh, now I know where to find Jack's deepest darkest secrets and not look completely stalker-ish. I just hoped I didn't offend her when I said I had enough of him. It didn't seem like I did though, so it was okay.

We started walking, her leading and me trailing behind like a lost puppy. When we arrived at her room we chatted a little, me asking simple questions and her answering, and vice versa. But then I asked a pretty big question.

"Madi, I know you know the answer to this, why was my pack attacked?"

"Well, you see... our parents don't really like each other. It is for a pretty good reason, too. When 2 packs were fighting each other, my pack fought with one side, and your pack with the other.

"I know that happens all the time, but our two packs were very friendly with each other. We were in an alliance. But all that changed when your parents killed my father, the Alpha, and my parents got back with killing your third in command.

"This was about 10 years ago, but it was never the same. The tension was too much, so we attacked your pack. I am really sorry, Eva." Madi concluded, apology clear in her voice.

I coughed. "It is not your fault." I told her. "You couldn't have done anything. I am just happy that I know why what happened happened. Besides, you shouldn't be apologizing about the fact that your dead was killed."

It was true, I'm not as mad anymore. Of course, I thought the reason of the attack was a bit petty, I mean we killed one of their's, they killed one of our's. It should have been an even playing field. I guess since there's was the Alpha. I always knew he died in battle, I just didn't know that my parents were responsible for it. I honestly thought Black Shadow was better off without their old violent bloke of an Alpha. From the stories I heard, he was bad.

We went back to talking and laughing as if nothing had happened. But guess who just had to come? That's right... Jack.

He just barged into Madi's room as if it was nothing. I'm not sure how she didn't freak out at him. I know that I love my privacy.

His eyes were a dark brown and wild. Something had happened. It must of been bad because you could tell his wolf was in control. His crazy eyes landed on me and visually calmed. I could see his naturally blue eye colour fade back into his iris.

"Where were you!?" He boomed. Oh, I see. He was being crazy looking all over for me.

"Well, I was here."

"Who said you could be here?" He growled.

"I would ask you the same question. I actually got permission to be in your sister's room, unlike some people. Have you ever heard of knocking?" I said, putting on a questioning look at the last part. By the expression on Madi's face, it looked like she had had this conversation with Jack before. I guess I had mistaken her calm look before, and she actually was mad when Jack barged in.

Jack looked confused. It was pretty obvious that nobody had ever talked to him like that, him being an Alpha and all. I realized that Jack must have been 18. I was 17 and you took over the pack at 18 years old if you have Alpha blood.

He growled again. "Come with me."

"How about... No." I wasn't going with him. I much preferred Madi.

"I said, come. With. Me." He said through clenched teeth. Gosh, he was so happy earlier.

"And I. Said. No." I was clearly mocking him.

"What are you doing here?" He snarled.

"Well, I would much rather talk with your dear sister here. She actually tells people the truth." I was growling now. Jack immediately knew what I was talking about.

His eyes widened. Then they glazed over. Madi's eyes were the same and I realized they were mind linking. I just sat there awkwardly for a while. They're facial expressions were kind of funny, you could tell they were arguing. It was about five minutes until their eyes returned to normal.

"Fine." Jack said suddenly. "Have your stupid sleepover. But tomorrow, we talk." He said, pointing at me. He stormed out right after.

I looked over at Madi and at the same time we both bursted out laughing. He got so angry, so easily. It was just a sleepover.

Pic of Madi above.

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