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The next morning Torri got up to see Chresanto gone. She just thought that he just got up nd went to breakfast. On her way to breakfast, she saw Craig eating by himself. She wondered where Shelly was. As she sat down to eat, she saw Shelly nd Ray walk in together.

Torri: hey guys!

Shelly looked nd saw Torri so, she ran over to her.

Shelly: Ray is a monster..

Torri: how?

Shelly: he just basically torches women

Torri: then why are you still hanging around him?

Shelly: I think he's in love with me...

Torri: well he's way too dangerous to be around

Shelly: well, tonight, me you nd Chresanto have to break out of here

Torri: but, what if Ray comes after you?

Shelly: he won't even know where to look, so? are you down?

Torri thought about it for a minute, risking our lives for the third time. Ray might even come after us, or worse, the police. This is a third arrest, They might even go to jail. But Torri was Shelly's ride or die, so she was down for anything.

Torri: Yup I'm in, you have to leave ray a note though

Shelly: (groans) fine

Once night fell, Shelly went straight to rays room to say her final bye.

Ray: hey SHELLY!

Shelly: um Ray..... can I talk to you for a minute?

Ray: sure

Shelly: um, look I'm just gonna leave you this note, but don't read it until I leave, kay?

Ray: yea

Shelly kissed Ray on the cheek, the made her way out the door.

Ray then opened the note nd began to read it.

"Ray look, I REALLY don't know how to put this, but your really a monster. You kill, rape, beat on women. I would beat your ASS if you ever try that on me. That's why I'm leaving you nd breaking out of the mental home. Bye.

Ray was furious now, he picked up the night lamp on his desk nd slung it across the room. He was gonna find Shelly one way or another.

Then he heard the engine to the RV come on nd travel down the street. A large grin then spread across his face.


Torri: OK, so where are we going?

Shelly: where going to get across the border then flea to London, that way if we get caught, They can't arrest us.

Chresanto: so.. (leans back) where's your boyfriend Ray?

Shelly: he ain't my bf, OK he just, comforted me k?

Craig lifted up from out of his hiding place nd rested his head on the seat.

Craig: so where we going?

Everyone gasped nd Shelly stopped the RV.

Shelly: why the fuck are you even here?

Craig: I wanted to come along

Torri: but your ASS just ditched Shelly, you ASS shouldn't be here

Craig: Look im-

Shelly started the RV back nd Craig flew back.

Shelly: just shut up, I'm gonna go rob 7-11.

We pulled up infront of of 7-11, Shelly took a pistol nd walked straight in there, got the money, then we got back on the road.

Craig: (whispers) she is a total baddie

Chresanto: so is Torri, but just let Shelly cool off for a second

Craig was sorry for what he said to Shelly. So he decided to lay low till she eased up a bit.

Two hours later, Shelly grows tired of driving, so Torri takes the wheel.

Shelly gets in the very last seat of the RV nd tries to sleep.

Craig goes back there too, nd tries to apologize.

Craig: look, I'm s-

Shelly: save it! I don't want to here anything about that

Craig: You were right, I did have FUN all those times we got arrested, I'm srry shelly.

Shelly wasn't the one to hold grudges, so she gave in. Craig knew that she had gave in nd started to rub her thigh. Shelly quickly moved his hand.


Craig: what's wrong?

Shelly: I'm just not ready

Craig starts to kiss Shelly's neck, making her let out a small moan.

Shelly: no, please?

Craig: (sighs) OK (falls asleep)

Chresanto: I think their sleep... (kisses her cheek)

Torri: I'm driving Chresanto!!

Chresanto: I know, that's why I'm teasing you.

Chresanto started to kiss her starting at her stomach till her neck. She couldn't take it anymore, so she let go of the wheel, nd They had a hot, sweaty, make out session. They swerved into a pole, almost but Torri hurried nd grabbed the wheel.

Torri: OK no more!

Chresanto: (laughs) OK nomore

back at the mental home.....

Ray was furious, he went under his bed to get a automatic shotgun. Then he placed on all black nd headed out the front door till he got caught by Mr.Smith.

Mr.Smith: where are you going this Time of night?

Ray spilled the whole story of howy Shelly, Torri, nd Chresanto planned to escape nd what They did the 2 nights ago. After that Mr.Smith sighed deeply nd picked up the phone to call the cops.

Mr. Smith: these girlz.......

Mr.Smith thought about it. He hasn't seen Craig for a while too. He must have ran off with them. But how nd Shelly nd him got into an argument a few days ago. He was so confused, he didn't know what to do. So he called the police nd filed 4 missing person reports.

Ray went back into his room

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