Karmas A Bitch

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Ray pulled his pants back up nd wiped sweat off his forehead

Ray: Shelly, you are Great in bed!

Jacob finally let Chresanto go nd babydoll let Torri go

Shelly pulled her face to her knees nd started crying like a baby.

Torri: Ray, how could you do this??

Ray flicked her off nd started out the door along with Babydoll nd Jacob

Chresanto: You WON'T get away with this Ray!!

Ray turned around nd smirked,

Ray: I already did ......

Chresanto slammed the door nd ran upstairs

Shelly: Omg....I-I can't believe this, where's prod?

Torri: He's gone, back nd the mental hospital or jail

Shelly tried to get up, but she had no strength at all.

Torri sat next to her nd tried to stop her from trembling.

Torri: it's ok....

Shelly: ok? YOU aren't the one that got RAPED ND BEATEN! You will NEVER understand what I just went through. I'M THE ONE THATS PREGNANT BY RAYS BABY!? SO IS IT STILL GONNA BE OK NOW?!

Torri didn't even KNOW THAT!

Torri: How do you know its his?

Shelly: He raped me the first time he kidnapped me.....nd I'm getting bigger

She lifted up her gown to see a small pudge

Torri felt her stomach nd something had kicked

Torri: So, what are you gonna do?

Shelly shook her head

Shelly: We're on the run STILL, so I might as well forget about Ray nd.....move on

Torri: We have to find Craig

Shelly: if we go back to the mental home, we could go to prison

Torri: If we snuck out, we can easily bust right back in right?

Shelly shook her head

Shelly: I guess so...

Meanwhile.,....Back at the mental hospital

Prod was back in his old room, the only thing he thought about was Shelly. Was she ok? He said nd plumped down on his bed. He switched on the TV to see Torri nd Shelly standing at the top of a building.

"We have just got word in London, that two girls are going to jump off a building for no reason "

They flashed to The footage, it was recording live. They both were speaking into microphones

Shelly: What's up London? ?

Torri: I'm bored, let's jump

Shelly started jumping up nd down dancing around. Craig just realized what they were doing

Shelly: 1,2,3 JUMP!

They both jumped making faces at the camera till a helicopter flew in nd caught them

Torri: Man! Y'all always ruin the fun!

It flashed back to the reporter

"Since their over the border lines, all charges are dropped, they will be repored back to their previous Mental Home"

He turned off the TV nd rolled over to go to sleep.

The next morning everyone was eating breakfast in the cafeteria

The double doors opened nd in walked Shelly, Torri, nd Chresanto

Shelly: Guess who's back?

Torri: Your two favorite bitches!!

Everyone got up nd clapped, Bahja got up to hug Them both.

Bahja: Thank God you two are ok!

Shelly: Yea well ....

Bahja glanced down at her stomach to see it a little Pudger than usual

Bahja: oh nd um, Rays back....

Torri pecked Chresanto on the cheek nd they walked up to his old room.

Shelly breathed in nd Walked right over to Ray nd his friends

Shelly: We need to talk, I'm pregnant nd its yours.....

Ray nd his crew started laughing

Ray: Girl, it ain't mine.......

Shelly's whole face turned red

Shelly took her hand nd slapped ray


Ray got up nd pulled Shelly in for a kiss

Craig shot up nd walked out, noone knew where he was going

Shelly pushed him aside nd punched him in his face

Ray: I love you

He sit down still holding his stomach

Shelly: How DF can you love someone that beats you nd Raped you?

Everyone got quiet ......

Ray: Um, I'm sorry?

Shelly: Sorry doesn't cut for beating me ray....when you kidnapped me EVERYNIGHT you beat me then you raped me..... over nd over nd over again ......

Ray got up nd walked out...

Shelly smiled nd sat down to eat her breakfast leaving everyone else in confusion

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