Damn. Damn. Damn.

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First was Torri, she was in the bank Terrified that at any second, she would get caught. Torri took a deep breathe nd walked through the doors nd into the first line. She saw two security guards nd she got even more nervous. Torri was next nd she walked up to the window shaking.

Man: Can I help you?

Torri swallowed

Torri: I want to withdraw all the money from my account please

Man: What is your name?

Torri: Denise Johnson

The man started typing with a blank expression on his face.

Man: What's the pin number to the account?

Torri: 143257488578

The Man typed something nd printed Torri out a piece of paper.

Man: Sign here please

Torri grabbed the pen nd signed The Name on the paper.

The man then took it, nd gave Torri the $5,000

She quickly took it nd walked straight out the bank on her way back to the house.

Chresanto: How am I suppose to buy them bras too?

Craig picked up one of them, it had butterflies on them nd it was HUGE! .

Craig: Let's just forget about this nd move on to the checkout

They moved on the the check out Line, when the woman rung em up, she gave them funny looks.

After they walked out the store, they made their way over to the house .

Once Torri showed up, they haven't seen Shelly not once yet.

Craig: Where is Shelly?

Chresanto got up from off the couch nd started circling around the room.


Craig picked up the phone nd called the police

Chresanto Smacked the phone out his hand

Chresanto: how you gone call the police nd we criminals too?

Craig walked upstairs in the room nd slammed the door shut

Torri: Where is Shelly?

After like 15 more minutes, There was a knock on the door.

Chresanto ducked nd looked out the window, it was someone they NEVER thought they'd see again..


Chresanto grabbed his gun at his side nd opened the door.

Ray: Looking for someone,?

Torri jumped up from her seat nd stormed in ray's face.

Torri: where is she?

Ray: oh, what are you talking about? The fact Craig thought he could kill me? Or the way Shelly THOUGHT she could get away? I'm Shelly's man, not Craig!

Chresanto: OK, what do you want? I want Shelly back

Ray gave them a sly smile,

Ray: This is gonna be fun

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