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When they woke up, they were MILES away from where the mental hospital was.

Shelly: Chresanto where are we?

Chresanto: three days Away from freedom....

Chresanto had a slight attitude because he was up driving all night long.

Torri: (kisses him) it's OK, don't be mad,

Chresanto: uh oh...

Craig: (sleepy voice) what's wrong?

Chresanto: we need gas soon, or we're gonna be walking

We stop into a gas station, nd Chresanto gets out to get gas.

Torri: don't you need a disguise? What if you get caught?

Chresanto: SSH! quiet

Craig holds Shelly's chin up to see her eyes.

Craig: are you OK?

Shelly wines a little, Craig didn't know why but he touched her thigh again.

Shelly: UGH!

Craig raises up her gown to notice a big black hash on her thigh. That meant that Ray has tried to rape her, but she put up a good fight.

Torri: what's wrong?

Craig: Ray tried to touch her

Torri pulled up her gown to see the nasty gash he was talking about.

Torri: it's OK name, that 2wice hoe is gone to hell now

Chresanto came back, filled up the tank then we got back on the rode.

It grew into night, so like he always did, Chresanto pulled over into an empty abandoned parking lot nd stayed there till morning. A few hours later Torri heard somebody knocking on the door. It turned into silence then she heard the knocking again.

Torri: the fuck?

She looked out the window to see Ray, all bloody, nd dripping in water.

Torri started screaming, nd Ray just reached through the window nd picked you Torri. He took the knife nd placed it by her throat, in one flick of the wrist, he slit her throat open nd through her down.

Chresanto: huh?

He looked up from his sleep to see Ray looking at him with hate in his eyes.

Chresanto: Oh FUCK NAWL!

He rammed the keys in the ignition, but the RV wouldn't start. He pounded his foot on the gas pedal but it didn't move an inch. Ray opened the door nd tried to stab him in the back but Chresanto got out the car nd ran toward the street. He looked for cars but he didn't see any. He looked back to see Ray knocking Craig upside the head with a rock, then strangled him to make sure he was dead for sure. He made his attention back to Chresanto nd started walking toward him. Chresanto started to run across the street but he didn't pay attention to a incoming truck, it hit him right on the side of his body. His body flew up in the air nd landed back down on the ground. Ray went to go check it. It was rock solid cold. That hit made Shelly wake up. He quietly eased her way out the car to see Torri nd Craig's body on the ground.

Shelly: OMG!

Shelly covered her mouth nd turned to see Ray rushing toward her.

She ran toward the lake but something on her leg felt heavy. She forgot about the gash on her thigh. So made her way to the lake nd picked up a Rock to throw at Ray, but missed. She ran nd tripped over a rock, nd fell right on her thigh. She let out a small groan. She turned on her back to see ray holding a pole above her stomach.

Shelly: please! no.......

Ray swung the pole up, nd as it came down, she screamed.


Torri: calm down Shelly, open your eyes!

Shelly opened her eyes to see them on a rode still driving.

Chresanto: are you OK?

She looked around to see Craig's face, it was perfectly fine.

Craig: what's wrong?

Shelly held her stomach to see it perfectly fine.

Shelly: just... a bad dream that's all

She turned the opposite way nd went back to sleep.

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