The End....

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Shelly Pov~~~

Shelly: Jacob?

Jacob swooped in the door and kneeled down as he flicked a knife out of his pocket.

Jacob: You took Prodigy away from Bahja, now I'm taking someone away from you

Shelly: But he's back at the Mental Hospital?! I gave him back!

Trey: mommy I'm scared

Trey held onto Rays leg as Shelly stepped Back.

Chresanto: Jacob, just step back, you don't want to do anything you'll regret

Jacob: Oh shut the fuck up Chresanto before I slit your fucking throat !

Ray and I exchanged glances and Chresanto looked at Jacob with a firm face. At that very moment Ray and Chresanto dodged at Jacob, kicking and wrestling over the knife he had. I grabbed Trey as he screamed at the top of his lungs and ran up the stairs to his bedroom locking the door. Torri picked up our house phone and called the police.

Chresanto: You dumb fuck

Jacob took the knife and struck it dead into Chresanto's leg as Ray punched Jacob in the face.

Jacob: No yo dumb ass didn't!

Chresanto carefully took the knife out of his leg and stumbled to his feet, he hopped over to Jacob and stabbed him in his upper chest. Ray covered his mouth as he screamed in pain and Chresanto laid him down on the ground.

Chresanto: Look at my damn leg! Ain't this a bitch? This some ole bullshit....

A few minutes later The police pulled up outside with an ambulance, they carefully laid Jacob on the stretcher and put him in the ambulance along with Chresanto. Me and Ray watched as the police questioned Torri about everything that happened.

Trey: Mommy?

Trey said through sobs as he held his hands out for me to pick him up. Ray reached down and slung Trey over in his arm and kissed me on my forehead.

Ray: It's all over now Michelle

Shelly: Yeah, I hope

Torri walked over to us and shook her head.

Torri: There's no charges on us, there's only Charges on Bahja, they about to go get her in custody

Four years later....

Chresanto's leg quickly healed after the stabbing but he still has problems with it sometimes. Ever since the accident he's been interested in law enforcement so he became a police officer. He's also had three kids with Torri, so Torri became a homebody and soon after their last child's birth Chresanto purposed to Torri.

Bahja ended up murdering Prodigy the same time Jacob tried to murder us. So she was sentenced to life in prison for five attempted murders and one murder. Jacob didn't have many friends so he didn't have a funeral, but Mr.Smith did put up a portrait of Jacob so the Mental Hospital would never forget him.

Me, Torri, Chresanto, Ray, and Trey go up to the hospital sometimes to visit Mr.Smith and at times we tell our story of what happened to us with the old patients. 

Me and Ray ended up having another child, this time it was a girl so we named her Adriana. Trey is five years old and Adriana is three, Ray became a lawyer and I became a Choreographer at a nearby dance studio, When Torri isn't busy she comes over and helps me lead the class sometimes.

We get asked a lot about what happened, but we always give them the same answer.

Shelly: It's all over

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