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Shelly made her way back to her room, she smelt a scent of,..... vanilla?

Of course, it was ray, she was walking passing his room, she needed to talk to him about the baby. She knocked on his door to see that it was open.

Shelly: Ray?

He turned around to see Shelly nd a huge grin covered his face.

Ray: Back so soon?

She held her stomach nd winced at the thought of being his babys mother.

Shelly: I'm pregnant by YOU, now what am I gonna do huh?

Ray felt a bit of guilt nd held onto her stomach.

Ray: Look, I just got a little jealous that you nd prod were hitting it off pretty good, you were mine till he got back in the picture

She shook her head in disbelief

Shelly: Why didn't you just tell me?

Her eyes got red nd puffy, he saw her start to dry heave nd helped her up

Ray: Stay here tonight....

Shelly: Fuck no! You fucking beat me nd raped me.!

He gripped her arm so tight he left black nd blue marks. He saw her face swell up nd he sighed before throwing her arm back down to her side.

Shelly: When I have this baby, I want you No where NEAR IT!

Ray held up his hand to smack her, but stopped in his tracks when Torri walked in.

Torri: What the Fuck is going on?

Ray put his hand on his head nd began scratching it.

Ray: Um, heyy Torri....

Torri: Don't fucking, hey Torri me, were you about to hit her?

Ray: no......I just, got angry

He sat on the bed nd sighed laying back down.

Shelly: I'm going to prods room....

Torri quickly turned her back around

Torri: Stay here with Ray, he is the father of your baby

Shelly thought to herself, She never defended Ray. What was prod up to? Her stomach churned nd she sank in rays bed aching in pain.

Ray hurried nd spread the blankets over her.

Torri; Night Guys

She walked out like she was relieved. Prod must be doing something he wasn't suppose to.

During the middle of the night, she made sure Ray was sleep nd crept out the room to prods down the hall. She opened the door as it creaked to see something that shocked her so bad she just hung her mouth open. She could see his chest move slowly up nd down. She shook her head nd closed the door. She walked back down the hall to see a yellow sticky note on the wall. That wasn't there before. She picked it up nd read it

"You were meant to be with Ray anyway, don't stress it."

Was all it said. She nodded nd slipped back into bed with Ray. Laying on his chest with a smile. Maybe he'll turn his life around, me nd Ray can become a family. What she didn't know, was that she didn't close the door all the way. A black shadowy figure fleed down the hall. Laughing nd mocking at what had just happened.

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