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     My head feels like its being pounded by a hammer. My body feels sore. What the heck happened? I slowly start to regain conciousness as I lay there on what I'm guessing is our bed. My eyes slowly flutter open to take in the room. Hayden is no where to be found but his scent is stilll fresh so he is around here somewhere. I sit up slowly well aware of my throbbing head. Tossing my feet over the side of the bed I carefully stand up. What happened? The last thing I remember was the doorbell ringing then I went to go open it and that's all I remember. I walk out of the room following Hayden's scent downstairs. I find him in the kitchen making what I think is soup.

    "Hayden," I mumble softly as I walk towards him. He turns around the second he hears me speak and quickly walks over to me. He seems tense, more than usual. He puts his arm around my waist and hugs me tightly to his body. I hug him back, confused as to why he is acting strange.

    "Hey love. How are you feeling? Are you doing okay," he asks me softly pulling back to look at my face as he peys my hair softly.

    "I'm fine," I murmur. He looks at me for a few minutes before nodding. He leads me over to the counter and sets me on one of the bar stools. He then walks over to the soup and pours some in a bowl before handing it too me. I take it and smile at him softly before I slowly start eating it.

    "What do you last remember," he asks me watching me carefully. I think for a minute before telling him.

   "I remember going to get the door after it rang. Then I opened the door and that's it. I don't remeber after that," I answer him. He nods his head slowly. "What happened?"

    "Well you opened the door and screamed. I ran over to you just as you fainted. Emmet... It's Ren... She... something happened to her.. Someone tortured her horribly.. They gave her a Chelsea Smile... The doctors said she'll  be fine and that she'll make it but she will have a hard time forgetting this and it willl stay with her for the rest of her life.. Whatever the person used to make it, it's going to scar.. It won't go completely away. I'm so sorry Em," he told me looking at me sadly. I glance up at him as tears fill my eyes.. I start getting dizzy again and I put the spoon down in the soup.

    "Ren.."I mumble softly as everything starts to fade out to black.

   "That's not all.. There was a note attatched to her.. It said ''I am coming for you next Emmet.'," Hayden tells me. That's all it takes for everything to go black and the next thing I know I'm falling backwards.


     I start to wake up again, after fainting for the second time that day. I can feel a warm, heavy arm draped carefully over my quickly growing stomach. From the sparks I feel, I know that the arm belongs to Hayden. I carefully roll over, making sure not to disturb him after realizing he was indeed asleep, before sliding out from under his arm. When his arm is away from my body, I instantly hear his breathing change. I turn around a little and watch him.

    "Emmet......stay..Lay back down....sleep..," he mumbles softly, not really awake quite yet. Well that was cute. I lean over and kiss his cheek softly before sitting up.

    "I'm just going to go take a walk. I need some fresh air, I'll be back soon." At my words he is instantly awake and alert, letting out a small growl in the process.

    "NO! There is someone after you. I will not allow you to go out there and get kidnapped like in the stories. You could get hurt...or they could," he murmurs the last part with his hand affectionately on my stomach, rubbing it softly. I look down at him with a small smile.

    "Okay, alright fair enough. But I am at least going to go take a shower," I tell him standing from the bed. He gives me a sly grin before standing up and following me closely into the bathroom.

   "Well, you might need some protection in there too. You never know what could happen," he says with a mischevious grin as he shuts the bathroom door. Well this should be fun...


    After a long and, ahem, steamy shower, we are finally heading downstairs. We are going to see Ren and then we have an appointment to see the babies! We start to head towards the hospital area of the rather large pack house. The closer we get, the more I can smell the sweet scent of flowers. The scent leads us right to the room that Ren is staying in for the next however many weeks. I stop at the door.

    "Love, will you be able to do this? She looks bad right now," Hayden tells me in a soft voice. I look up at him and take a deep breathe before nodding.

    "She's my twin.. My built-in best friend. My other half.. I have to.. I wasn't there to protect her when she needed me..This is my fault, and I have to find a way to fix it. But for now I need to go see her, she needs me," I tell him as tears spring to my eyes. He nods carefully and slowly opens the door. I walk into her room to see her laying on the pale purple sheets of the hospital bed. Nothing could have prepared me for what I saw, though. There laying on that light purple bed of the pack hospital was my older twin sister, my best friend for life, hooked up to machines just to keep her alive. She was paler than before, and that's a hard thing to do. She looked as white as snow. Her skin was as flawless as ever, except for the huge, angry looking, bright red gashes that covered either side of her cheeks from the corner of her lips all the way to her ears. Her bright blonde hair, seemed somehow duller than before and was greasy now. I tore my gaze away from her bruised and bloodied face to look down. She had needles sticking in her arms in various places. Her arma were covered in black and blue bruises and cuts scattered the surfaces. She also had a heart moniter attatched to her. She looked nothing like my strong, fierce sister anymore. I turned back to Hayden before quickly leaving the hospital room. I couldn't stand being in there right now. I ran out of the pack infirmary area until I got to the living room, Hayden right behind me the whole time.

     "I couldn't do it Hayden...I couldn't see her like that any longer," I tell him with a whimper as I lean into his arms. He kisses my cheek gently and holds me to his chest.

     "It's okay my love. It's understandable. She is going to be fi-." He is cut off mid-sentence with a loud crash followed by terrified screams. I let out a quiet groan and throw my hands up.

    "CAN WE NEVER GET A BREAK??????" That's all that comes out before a large, blood red wolf tears through the window and lands right in front of us. Well gummy bears.

SN: okay guys I know you probably hate me for not uploading in nearly a year, or however long its been. its understandable id hate me too. and I know this isnt a whole lot but its still something. better than nothing. im not going to make any promises that ill start uploading more, because I probably wont. I just have. on of things constantly going on in my life and itz really hard to think of ideas for this story, then have the time to sit and write a whole chapter all at one time. so I really am sorry, but im doing the best I can. thank you so muvh for those of you who still read the book, it means a lot to me

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