Perfect Names

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Dedicated to softball_swag22 for the names Raine and Rowan.

"Good Morning my precious mate," Hayden's deep voice whispers in my ear causing small shivers to run down my spine. My eyes slowly open to take in my surroundings, we are in the delivery room. There are three small cribs, two blue and one pink containing our precious children. Hayden's hand is trailing up and down my arm gently, leaving sparks in his path.

"Morning," I mumble before shutting my eyes once more. A soft wail fills the room causing me to open my eyes. Hayden is already standing and moving over to the cribs to find the child that is crying. He lifts up the boy in the first crib, our first born, before bringing him towards me. He gently places him in my arms as I pull up the top that I was changed into. I direct the baby's mouth towards my nipple, he latches on instantly and starts to drink. I trail my finger lightly down his nose as I watch him. Hayden moves behind me on the bed and watches too.

"He's beautiful isn't he," I whisper softly.

"He is. He is perfect." I watch as my son eats before turning to Hayden.

"What should we name him," I ask before looking back to my son. I wonder what color his eyes will be. When I get no response from Hayden, I turn to look at him to see him intently staring at our son.

"I like Ryder." A small smile graces my face as I turn back to face our son.

"Ryder. Ryder Steel," I say before glancing back at Hayden. A bright smile lights up his face as he nods happily. Welcome to the world Ryder Steel Night. I watch as Ryder finishes eating before pulling away and letting out an adorable yawn. His fisted hands move like he is in an invisible fight. I giggle softly as I watch my son. Well that is until another soft wail fills the room, quickly followed by another. Hayden gets up faster than I thought possible. He takes Ryder from my arms and quickly, but gently, places him back into his crib before picking up our other son and placing him in my arms. He moves back to get our daughter, gently rocking her back and forth in his arms making soft cooing noises. I cradle my son into my arms and moves his head so he can feed too. He latches on, with a little more help than Ryder, and starts to eat. The crying softens from our daughter as I look up to see Hayden gently rocking her in his arms. He looks so perfect, standing there holding her. He will be a great dad, I can already tell. So we switch out children so I can feed our beautiful daughter while Hayden comes to sit down on the bed in front of me, gently rocking our son.

"Do you have any ideas on names for them," he asks me in a soft tone to not wake our son.

"Her name should be Caden. It means 'little fighter' and that's exactly what she is," I tell him before looking back down at my miracle baby. She survived everything. I hear a soft pitter-patter noise coming from outside. I look outside to see it raining gently, like it's trying to cleanse away the bad.

"Raine. Caden Raine," Hayden tells me. I nod, happy with the name. It fits her, perfectly. She releases when she is done eating. She is so tiny and fragile, but I can already tell she will be very strong.

"Do you like the name Blaze," I ask Hayden as he takes Caden from my arms and replaces her with our son before putting her back in her crib.

"For him? I like it. How about Rowan for the middle name? Blaze Rowan Night," he answers as he looks down to Blaze. Perfect.

"Perfect. We are finally a family," I tell Hayden as tears swell up in my eyes. "We have over came everything. And now we are finally a family," I whisper happily. He nods and hugs me tightly from behind as he kisses my forehead. My fingers delicately brush over Blaze's cheeks as he nurses. Our perfect family. A sudden loud rumbling makes its way down the hall towards our room. The door flies open and in rushes...well pretty much everyone to tell you. The room is filled with people and along with the people, happy chatter. I notice Red is standing with the rest of the assassin group standing behind him. Ren, whose hand is intertwined with Jake's, is standing partially in between Red and the assassins and Thomas's group of hunters. The loudest group by far, however, would be Devil and the rest of the gang. All in all the room is packed with people. Lyric is standing protectively beside Devil, though they are all smiling and laughing. I look over my large group of friends with a large, happy smile. My family.

"So? Are you going to tell us," Ren asks excitedly. Murmurs of agreement flow through everyone else in the room.

"Two boys and a girl. And they are all alive and healthy. Ryder Steel is the boy in the crib, he is our first son. Then Blaze Rowan was born, the one in my arms. Then lastly, Caden Raine was born, and she was alive and healthy," I tell them all excitedly as I motion towards the appropriate child. Cheer erupt in the room causing even Hayden to chuckle in amusement. I shake my head and watch as they each take their turns to come up and hold and talk to the new members of our family.

"I have an announcement to make," Ren says excitedly as everyone starts to calm down after seeing the triplets. We all turn to face her and Jake, who is looking excitedly back at Ren.

"We're engaged," they both say suddenly causing more cheers to flow through the room. Congratulations are passed through the room towards the happy couple. Devil and Lyric both stand up, with eager expressions on their faces.

"I'm pregnant!" I look at Devil in shock before cheers fill the room once more. Lyric tightens his grip on her slightly causing her to smile happier.

"What an eventful day," Hayden murmurs softly into my ear. I nod in agreement before looking at my group of friends again. Our lives will probably always be hectic, but that's what makes it so much fun. And I wouldn't trade it for anything.

SN: Just two more chapters then I am finally done with the story. Sad as that thought is. What do you guys think of a equal?

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