Eager Are We

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"Leave," he demands. His tone is filled with authority that turns me on big time. Even though he is staring directly at me; his demand is directed towards everyone else in the room. I see Ren smirk from the corner of me eye as she looks at us. She grabs a hold of two of the guy's wrists before pulling them out of the room. The third follows like a lost puppy. The door slams behind me and I just continue staring at him.

*Go to mate! Go to mate! Go to mate!* Smokey and Midnight are chanting at the same time. Yep you guessed it the Alpha over here is my mate. And in case you haven't realized before I am a werewolf. I can shift into a wolf and also a feline. I am happy to oblige to their wishes. I slowly walk up to my mate; swaying my hips in the process. My ears and tail extend. My tail swishes slowly behind me in a rhythmic motion. It's natural for us (feline and wolf shifters) to be seductive and sexy with our mate. It's just in our nature. I stop walking when I am less than a foot away from him. I lean up and whisper in his ear.

"Hello sexy," I whisper seductively while purring slightly. His arms instantly wrap around my waist tightly pressing me to his chest. Shocks shoot through my body wherever we are touching. My tail wraps around his legs. A purr vibrates my body slightly; and this all happens just because he's touching me. Then something surprises me; I feel another tail rubbing against my leg and thighs. I look away from my mate and look down. There's a dark gold tail wrapped against my leg. And it's coming from my mate. I look up at him and notice that he has dark gold feline ears on his head.

"You didn't think you were the only one that is special," he says with a smirk. I grin and our eyes lock once more. He keeps me pressed tightly to his chest; our tails intertwine with each other and wrap around our legs. He dips his head down and presses his face into my neck.

"So what's your name Alpha," I ask with a smirk as he shivers when I use his title.

"I think I like you calling me Alpha," he mumbles keeping his face pressed into my neck; breathing in my scent.

"My names Emmet, Alpha," I whisper his title. He shivers again and a small growl and purr escape from his mouth.

"Sexy name for my sexy mate," he whispers as his right hand travels up and down my side. His fingers slowly walk up and down my side. He presses his lips against my neck. His mouth slowly travels up my neck and down my jaw stopping right before my lips. He skips over my lips and starts kissing down the other side of my jaw and down my neck. This earns an impatient growl from me.

"Grr," I grumble as he kisses down my neck and shoulder. He smirks against my neck before slowly trailing back up. He stops at the corner of my mouth once more but this time he gently presses his lips against mine. I kiss him back instantly. Our lips move in sync as fireworks shoot off everywhere. My arms wrap around his neck as he presses me tighter to his chest. His tongue traces my bottom lip and I eagerly open. His tongue slips into my mouth. He tastes like chocolate. His hands slide down to my thighs and he picks me up. My legs wrap around his waist keeping me pressed to his chest. My hands tangle in his hair.

"Your mine," he growls. I simply nod as he kisses down my neck again. Then he bites down where my neck meets my shoulder; officially marking me as his. The large doors slam open and my sister walks in. My mate growls at Ren.

"Oh no; don't be growling at me mister. You're the one who's basically eating my sister right now. So you better just hush up right now," Ren says with her hands on her hips. She glares at my mate and he glares right back.

"So Ren what would you like," I ask politely even though I am not too happy with her right now.

"So Red just contacted me. He wanted to know where we are. And I honestly have no freaking clue. He also wants you to stop playing with Thomas's group of hunters. He thinks it's about time you got rid of them," she explains looking bored. Red is our older brother. He is also in charge of our small group of assassins. Ren and I are the only ones that can turn into both feline and wolf in the group. We also have a couple witches, a vampire, a pixie, a fairy, another wolf, and a few other magical creatures.

"But I don't wanna. I like playing with them," I whine like a little kid. Ren shakes her head and leaves the room once again. Not even a second later my lips are connected with my mate's.

"So what is your name," I whisper seductively in his ear.

"Hayden," he mumbles kissing me again. Hayden; now that's a sexy name. (So when i wrote this sentence i didn't expect to get so many comments from it, but i admit they are hilarious)

"So Alpha Hayden how about we go back to your room and finish the mating process," I whisper while kissing his neck gently.

"Whatever you want my Angel," he says before walking towards the door, him still carrying me. He opens the door and walks out shutting it behind him. He walks down a hall, with me still holding onto him, and into a large room. It's black and dark blue. There is a large king-sized, four poster bed with a canopy. His walls are black and his floor is a dark blue shaggy carpet. I hide my face in his neck as he walks towards his bed. He lays me back on the bed and crawls on top of me. He starts kissing down my neck. He rips my shirt off causing me to gasp and giggle.

"Eager are we," I ask with a small laugh. He nods his head happily.

"You are mine," he growls kissing down my shoulder. He moves up and lightly bites his mark causing me to moan.

"Alpha," I moan in pleasure. He purrs happily. His tail traces up my leg. There's a loud crash downstairs causing Hayden to shoot up off me. He glares at the door before moving towards it. Before he leaves he tosses his shirt to me to put on. I quickly put it one before following him out of the room. We head downstairs and into the kitchen. The second I enter I fall to the ground laughing.

Ren is holding a wooden spoon pointing it angrily at two teenage guys who are on the floor. They each have a large welt on their heads.... I'm guessing from the spoon. The funnniest part is that the two guys look around twice her size. They keep mumbling for her not to hit them again.

{AN: My cousin has actually done that. She whacked two of friends with a spoon cause they said something that she didn'.t really like. They had bumps on their heads for two days..}

"What's going on in here," Hayden growls. Probably pissed about us being interupted.

"Those two idiots groped me. So i did what any girl would do. I whacked them with the first thing I grabbed," Ren says in a 'duh' tone while waving the spoon around. I calm down enough to stand up and lean against Hayden.

"Never mess with her. She will cut your balls off and reattach them to your forehead. Literally. I've seen her do it. Either that or she will castrate you with a rusty spoon. Don't mess with her," I warn trying to stifle my laughter.

"Don't do it again. Now we are going to go," Hayden says before tossing me over his shoulder and running upstairs to his room. I don't mind cause I get a nice view of his ass. He tosses me down on the bed once more and pulls his shirt from my body. This one he doesnt rip. Within seconds his lips are on my neck. I moan his title once more. His tail travels up and down my leg causing me to shiver.

{Serena on the side}

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