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So! For those of you who have stuck around for this long. I would really like to know your guys opinion on some things. Most importantly, what do you think of my writing abilities? Do you think that I am halfway decent or do you think that I should quit and just stick with what I'm good at? I would really like some feedback on this. I am thinking about rewriting a longer, more in depth version of this book. But I don't want to if I'm no good at writing. SO leave some comments down below and tell me.

SN: okay so I am reposting this chapter in its rightful place. And also because like no one had read it yet, which is strange cause you guys are usually commenting and voting right after i post it. So yeah.


The dark red wolf stands in front of us growling, and his fur is standing straight up. Hayden pushes me behind him instantly and growls at the wolf. I stare at the angry wolf in front of us, then look slowly around all the growling wolves that had burst into the house. A slow steady pounding starts to form in my head, the more they growl, the more it pounds. This is all too familiar. I know who this is, I know who these wolves are. Why can't I remeber who they are? Urgh this is all way too confusing. And then something unexpected happens. A sleek, black, larger than average fox jumps through the window that the wolf had jumped through. She lands right beside the wolf and brushes up against him. The wolf's angry growls start to lower as the fox brushes up against him. The sight in front of me is what causes everything to come back. The pounding in my head gets worse and I lean aginst Hayden. I start to get flashes of memories that run through my head. I press my hands into my temples to try and ease the pain. My eyes shoot open as the memories stop. I look at the fox and the wolf now staring at us. I push past Hayden and stare back at them in total shock.

(Lyr is a nickname. pronounced LEE-Yer. like the first part of lyric)

"D? Lyr? Is that you?" The fox yips happily and jumps up causing the wolf to nip at her tail lightly. She spins around the glare at him before moving back to his side. The fox starts to transform back into a human form. Hayden turns his head out of respect as she changes back and pulls on a large t-shirt. I look up at her and gasp softly when I see her. She hasn't changed much since we were kids. Her long, jet black hair fell down staight to her hips just like it used to. Her skinny and petite, yet curvy frame looked much smaller in the large black shirt that fell almost to her knees. She was as pale as before and her golden eyes still looked as bright. She smiled a little and rubbed her hand against the wolf's back. The wolf was almost as tall as her, which doesn't say much since she is barely taller than me.

"I thought they had killed you...why didn't you come back sooner?" I take a step towards her, but Hayden grabs my hand to stop me.

"Love..." I turn back to him and smile a little.

"It's okay," I whisper softly before looking back at her.

"They almost did Em.. They almost did. I was in a coma for months after the attack. Lyr was barely able to do anything other than lay beside me during that time. By the time I came too, it was too late to find you guys. You had dropped off the Earth and we couldn't find you guys anywhere. We searched for months before we had to stop. We found the old pack, and Lyr finally took over. Then we found out that you were here with Alpha Hayden and we came instantly. Em..I've missed you so much. I'm so glad you're okay," she tells me moving a little closer. I walk towards her and hug her tightly.

"D, I missed you so much." She hugs me back as tightly and I can hear the sound of another transformation taking place. I then hear the sound of clothes rustling before large around arms surrounding both of us.

"Hey what about me," a deep voice says. I laugh softly at him.

"I missed you too, Lyr." Hayden growls deeply from behind us before I'm suddenly pulled away from the grip. I rub his arm softly.

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