It wasn't too fast

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   “Mine completely,” he murmurs kissing the top of my head. I rest my head on Hayden’s bare chest. And before you ask; no we didn’t move too fast. It’s in our nature to want to mate with our mate immediately. It’s even stronger for those who can shift into felines and wolves. And it’s extremely strong for Alphas. And considering I have Alpha blood in me also; we didn’t move to fast. Besides I have spent the last year searching for my mate.

   “Yours completely,” I mumble tracing small circles on his chest. He reaches up and strokes my black kitty ear. I purr and move my head closer to his chest. What? Cats are very affectionate. Our legs are intertwined under the sheet. My hand slides down his chest slowly. I trace circles around his bellybutton causing him to shiver. There is a loud crash downstairs. Hayden sits straight up. Yelling and screaming along with more crashes come from downstairs. Hayden jumps out of bed and slides on boxers and jeans. I slip on my underwear then my tight shorts and Hayden’s shirt; he ripped mine last night. I follow Hayden out of the room and downstairs. I instantly smell Thomas and his hunters; along with my group. I smile evilly before running ahead of Hayden. He tries to grab my arm but I easily avoid him. This causes him to growl but I ignore him and run downstairs. Thomas, Jake, and Brick are standing in front of a group of women. They are holding guns pointing them at the women.

   “Oh Thomas,” I say happily. His head shoots over to my direction.

   “Why am I not surprised? You’re always around Lila,” he says shaking his head.

   “Actually this time you found me. I was upstairs,” I say with a shrug. Ren appears beside me.

   “Ooh I'm not gonna miss it this time,” she says happily.

   “Hello Selena,” Jake says nodding slightly.

   “Hey Jake,” she chirps.

   “Red says I have to kill you now,” I whine while pouting.

   “But then you’ll have to find another group to torment. And I mean we haven’t gotten to kill anyone in over a year,” Thomas pouts. We have a love hate relationship.

   “Speaking of Red; he and the others will be here soon,” Ren puts in. I stomp my foot like a five year old.

   “Phooey. Well it looks like we have to get this show on the road. Thomas would you like to do the honors,” I ask motioning to the scared women. He shrugs and nods before pointing the gun back at them. He fires and I jump in front of the bullet catching it from the air. I hear Hayden yell but ignore it.

   “Caught it,” I say happily tossing the bullet to the ground. Thomas sighs and playfully glares. I notice that Ren has already taken out Jordan and Brian. Jake, Brick, and Thomas are all that’s left. I leap over Thomas and land on Brick. I deliver a punch to his temple causing him to pass out. I bite his neck injecting venom. I do a back flip and land on Thomas. Jake is on the ground in three seconds after I knocked out Brick. Ren is on top of him straddling him. His arms are pinned above his head. He leans up and kisses Ren; she kisses back. I truly believe that they are mates. I mean this happens every time. And besides; Thomas’s group isn’t bad. They don’t kill anyone; I believe that they just hunt people because of Ren and me. We are always around before they can hurt anyone. It’s actually fun; our love hate relationship.

   “Ewww,” Thomas and I say at the same time looking away from Jake and Ren.

   “I don’t like seeing that,” I mumble pouting while I continue sitting on Thomas. He could easily get me off him but he just lies there.

   “Emmet,” Hayden growls coming closer to Thomas and I. Jake and Ren are still lip-locked.

   “Who’s this Lila,” Thomas asks looking at Hayden. Oh and Thomas calls me Lila because when he first met me I told him my name was Delilah. About six months later he found out my name was Emmet but Lila just stuck. Just like with Ren. They call her Selena.

   “Oh this is Hayden. He’s my mate,” I say happily.

   “You finally found him? Congrats girl,” he says patting me on the back.

   “I know! Isn’t he cute,” I say cheerfully.

   “Sure,” Thomas says slowly. Next thing I know; I'm being lifted off Thomas. I look up at Hayden who is now holding me like you would a child. I'm basically resting on his hip with his arm around my waist. My legs are around his waist. Doesn’t that tell you just how much bigger he is than me? I pout and glare playfully at Hayden but stop when he kisses me gently on the lips. I then smile and wrap my arms around his neck and rest my head on his shoulder.

   “Aww you’re so cute together!! I think I'm gonna take a break for a while. We’ll see you in a couple weeks or months. You know where to find us,” Thomas says jumping up off the ground. Ren and Jake are still lip locked.

   “Um have fun separating the two. Because I don’t think their letting go anytime soon,” I say watching them warily. I catch Red’s scent a lot closer now. He’s most likely right outside.

   “Um I’m just gonna leave him in the capable hands of Selena. She can handle him perfectly fine. Can your brother help me with the morons,” he asks looking at Brian, Jordan, and Brick who are passed out on the ground.

   “I’m sure Lizzie can zap you guys back home,” I say with a shrug. Lizzie is our witch. He nods gratefully before nudging Brick with his foot.

   “Good because there’s no way I’ll be able to lift this two ton thing,” he says kicking Brick again.

   “Alright never fear because the great and powerful Lizzie is here,” Lizzie announces as she enters the house. Red is right behind her followed by everyone else.

   “Thanks Liz,” Thomas mutters.

   “No problem Hunter,” she says with a shrug before doing her magic and sending Brick, Jordan, and Brian home.

   “Say hey to May for me,” I say with a wave before Thomas disappears.

{SN: So i wanna know what you think about it so far. OPINIONS ARE WELCOME!!!}

Assassin Mate + Possessive Alpha = One Fun RideWhere stories live. Discover now