10 years

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~~~10 years after the triplets are born~~~

"Mom! Look at what Snow did! He broke my snow globe," a very upset Caden yells as she runs into the living room. I look up from from the book I was reading to see her holding the bottom half of her now empty and shattered snow globe. With a soft sigh I sit my book on the couch before lifting Gray off my lap and into his small playpen in the living room. He stirs slightly in his sleep before he relaxes again. His tiny legs kick slightly as he lays on his back. I turn around to look at Caden who is still holding the snow globe out to me.

"Quiet please. Gray is asleep," I tell her before walking up to her room to clean up the mess.

"Sorry mom. But Snow broke it," she whines softly. Once I get to Caden's room I start to clean up the remains of the broken snow globe.

"Go get him. Remember Caden, he's only 4. Don't get too mad at him," I tell her softly once it's cleaned up. She nods with an annoyed huff and runs off to go find Snow. While I wait for her to come back, flashes of black and white zoom past me towards the stairs.

"Boys," I yell causing them to stop dead in their tracks. They all slowly turn to look at me.

"Yes mom," Ryder asks looking at my with a sly smile.

"Don't run down the stairs and be quiet on your way down there. Gray is sleeping in the living room," I tell them before waving my hand to let them know their dismissed. They all nod before walking down the stairs as quickly as they can without running. Snow pops into my vision a minute later, a happy Caden following behind him. That girl.

"Mommy!" I chuckle softly at him before easily lifting him into my arms.

"Hey they my little Snow. Caden why don't you and Scar go take Cal outside to play with the boys," I tell her. She nods and happily runs off to go find the others.

"Snow. Did you mean to break Caden's snow globe," I ask him as we walk towards his bedroom. Shame instantly covers his features as he shakes his pale white hair out of his crystal blue eyes.

"No mommy. It accident," he mumbles as tears form up into his eyes. I kiss his cheek softly before sitting down in the bed in his room.

"I didn't think so. She's pretty upset about it though. How about we make her a new one," I ask him softly. Instantly his eyes brighten and he nods his head.

"Yes! We make hew a good one," he states happily. I laugh and shake my head before walking downstairs to get all of the things needed for her snow globe.


An hour later and we now have a new snow globe for Caden. Snow took his favorite small toy, a tiny mermaid that Caden gave him for Christmas, to use as the object in the globe. Now the obviously child-made snow globe is ready to give to Caden. Snow eagerly jumps up and tugs on my hand.

"Come on mommy. We need to give the present to Caden!" He tugs on my hand impatiently. I get up and allow him to tug me out of the room and down the stairs to the living room where all the kids had migrated too after I moved Gray upstairs. Snow takes the snow globe from my hand gently and walks over to Caden.

"What," she asks annoyed when he taps her knee repeatedly. He holds out the snow globe to her and looks down.

"We made you a new globe since I bwoked you other one," he mumbles softly. She looks down and takes it in her hands. A bright smile takes over her face when she sees it.

"Thank you Snow, I love it," she says as she pulls him up into her tiny lap. With a smile, I look around at all my kids. Caden giggles happily at something that Drako did. She is still a tiny little thing. Drako and Shadow are taller than her now, with her being less than three and a half feet at 10. Her fiery orange hair is now down to the middle of her back and still as curly as ever. Shifting my eyes across the room to Ryder and Blaze. They are still entirely identical. They are the exact same height and same body type, even at 10 they are nearly as tall as me. Drako and Snow are now taller than Caden, being above average height for their 8 year age. Parker is sitting beside the twins, still as close to them as ever. As I look over farther, I notice Calypso. She has Jake's dark brown hair but Ren's light blue eyes. She is an adorable little 5 year old with her hair up in pigtails. Warm hands wrap gently around my waist before sparks cover my entire back from Hayden's touch.

"Hello my love," he whispers into my ear before resting his chin on my head.

"Hey. How was your meeting with the other pack," I ask him as I turn around in his arms. He pecks my lips softly before leading me into the kitchen.

"It went pretty well. Alpha Kyle had his son, Damian, there with him. Since he is 13 he wanted him to start learning about how Alpha meetings go for when he takes over. That boy has some serious issues controlling his wolf. Ten minutes into them meeting and he had already thrown a chair! I hope that boy calms down before he takes over or that pack is in trouble. I feel sorry for his mate," he says with a sigh. Hayden went to a meeting with one of our neighboring packs to talk about, well whatever they talk about at those things.

"I'm sorry. We can't control other people's kids, but we can raise ours the best we possibly can." He nods and pulls me into his lap after sitting down in the chair.

"Are you excited for the dinner next week," he asks as he runs his fingers through my hair. I nod happily, bouncing slightly in his seat. Every month we all get together and have a huge dinner with all of our friends. Red and the assassins come, Thomas and the hunters come (although they all stopped hunting years ago), Devil and that whole group comes. It's really big and so much fun. We have been doing it since the triplets were born. I can't wait until the next one. We cook all day for the dinner and it's good to get to catch up with everyone. Every month for the past ten years and it still hasn't gotten old. I hope our tradition never will.

SN: so. Here is the final chapter for assassin mate + alpha mate = one fun ride. I am kinda sad now that it's done. It is my first book I put up on Wattpad that got noticed, even a little. But. The good news for those of you that care. I have plans on a sequel to the book. And I have no clue what I will name it, but I do have an idea about what I want to story to be about. Soo stay tuned until that happens.

Also. I know the last two chapters were super short, but there really wasn't much to write about in them to make them long. They really are only there so that you can know who the kids are and when they were born and small things like that. Plus there are a few details slipped in that are incorporated into the sequal.

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