Don't start with me!

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HEYA! Im back! SO here's this chapter. And by the way the story isn't that close to being over!

    I watch in amusement as my tiny little mate beats the shit out of a guy twice her size. Ali is beside them with tears in her eyes. It's been a good ten minutes so I figure it's time that I step in. I walk over to them and lift Emmet into my arms cradling her against my chest. 

   "Shh, it's ok," I whisper to her.

   "OK! HE ALMOST KILLED ME AND ALL YOU SAY IS 'IT'S OK'! Seriously," she screams at me trying to get out of my arms.

   "He came here to apologize, he found his mate," I explain. She is still shaking aand looks livid but has calmed down slightly.

   "Whatever," she grumbles.

****************************Emmet's POV****(back a bit)*******************

     After Evangelic's wolf disappears with her mate I turn back to my wolf and panther. They both look kind of confused but still mad.

   *You heard her! You can wake up now! SO WAKE UP!* Smokey hisses in my mind. I glare at her and stick out my tongue before concentrating on waking up.

   *Real mature* Midnight says rolling her eyes. I take a deep breath and try to break down the wall in front of the door to let me out of my mind. This time, it easily crumbles. I grin happily and walk over to the door gripping the handel. I turn it and push on the door only to find it stuck. STUCK! I glare at it before pushing again this time with more force. It moves a little but goes back into place.

   "Guys come help," I whine looking at Smokey and MIdnight. They sigh but get up and walk over to me.

   *On three* Midnight says. We all nod and Smokey counts down. On three we all push against the door as hard as we can. It swings open allowing me to run through. The door slams behind me leaving me in a long black hallways with no doors or openings. The only thing there is, is a very faint white light at the end. I grin widely before taking off at full speed towards it. The more i run the brighter the light seems to get until I can almost touch it. I speed up and run straight into the blinding light. Then i feel myself laying on a bed. It is decently comfortable. Then I notice the sparks flowing around my body. And the sparks being even stronger against my lips. I open my eyes coming face to face with my mate. My beautiful mate. He is leaning over me with his lips against mine. His eyes are closed and he has dark circles under them. My body moves on its own and my lips move against his. He stiffens slightly and starts to pull away but i wrap my arms around his neck keeping him in place. He then kisses me back with so much emotion. My eyes close again as I tangle my fingers in his hair. There is a slight cough behind us but I ignore it. Hayden pulls away and presses his forehead against mine. I open my eyes and look back at him.

   "Baby I've missed you so much," he whispers as a tear falls down his cheek. I smile and reach up wiping it away.

   "I love you so much Hayden," I whisper.

   "I love you too Emmet," he whispers bac before kissing me again. Someone coughs again causing us to move apart. I look behind Hayden to see Aiden standing there with his arm around some girl. I glare at him.

   "You," I growl before launching myself at him. We fall to the ground with me on top of him. I start beating the shit out of him. Anger fills me thinking about all the things he has done, to me and to others. He doesn't do anything just lets me hit him. The girl that was with him lets out a strangled cry. I ignore her and continue hitting him. I feel Hayden's arm go around my waist as he lifts me up and cradles me to his chest. My body starts calming down at his touch but I still struggle to get out of his grasp.

   "Shh, it's ok," he whispers.

   "OK! HE ALMOST KILLED ME AND ALL YOU SAY IS 'IT'S OK'! Seriously," I scream at him flailing around in his arms.

   "He came here to apologize, he found his mate," he says trying to reason with me.  I'm still pissed but i still calm down in his warm arms.

   "Whatever," I grumble glaring at the floor. He adjusts me then turns my face around and kisses me gently. I kiss him back before pulling away.

   "I missed you so much," he whispers again. I smile and nod.

   "I know."

   "I really am sorry Emmet," Aiden says quietly.

   "Don't start with me Aiden! I'm still pissed at you," I growl at him. He nods and takes the girl in his arms and walks away. They walk out of the room leaving just me and Hayden. Hmm now what to do, what to do. I drop out of Hayden's grip and turn around slowly. A sly smile comes onto my face as I lustfully checkout my sexy mate. This should be fun.

   "You need a shower," I say simply still looking over him. His eyes fill with lust as he watches me.

   "I'm not leaving you," he growls.

   "Ok," I say before grabbing his wrist and pulling him out of the room. I start dragging him towards his room as fast as I can when I hear a vice that makes me stop.

   "Eh, eh, eh, not so fast." Hayden growls and I gasp as we turn around to face te man behind the voice.

SN: Ok ok. I KNOW that this sucked. And I left you with another cliff hanger BUT I promise to post again soon. And this was pretty much just a filler chapter on how Emmet got out of her coma thing.

So! For those of you who have stuck around for this long. I would really like to know your guys opinion on some things. Most importantly, what do you think of my writing abilities? Do you think that I am halfway decent or do you think that I should quit and just stick with what I'm good at? I would really like some feedback on this. I am thinking about rewriting a longer, more in depth version of this book. But I don't want to if I'm no good at writing. SO leave some comments down below and tell me.

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