Assassin Mate + Alpha Mate = One Fun Ride

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Friendly Reminder: author's can see the titles of the reading lists that you put our books in. Don't be a jerk. Nothing puts a damper on someone's mood than seeing someone put their story in a "not gud" reading list or something similar. If you don't like it, don't read it.

I leap into the tree and land on one of the branches. My right leg dangles down swinging back and forth. My other leg is bent under me and my hands are on the branch in front of me. My black tail slowly snakes back and forth. My black ears twitch at every sound. I watch, from the tree above, the scene below me. My jet black hair sways slightly in the wind. I smirk as I watch the hunter pull the gun on the three teen boys. They smirk evilly as they think he is the only one; too bad for them. Five more hunters step out of the shadows of the woods from behind them. They all had guns similar to the first. The teens' smirks dropped off their faces in an instant.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here," the first hunter, Thomas, asks tauntingly. Yep I know this group of hunter's names. He flicks his sandy blonde hair out of his hazel brown eyes. Yeah so Thomas is only 28. He's pretty hot for a hunter; I must admit that.

"Seems like we have some wolves on our hands," Jake says with a smirk. He has dark brown hair, tan skin, and dark brown eyes. All the hunters are tall and in their late twenties.

"Kill them, kill them," Brick chanted. He's all muscle no brain. He's like a freaking building; easily over 7 feet. He has a buzz cut with blonde hair and green eyes. He also has a scar across his left eye; courtesy of me. He has a body that body builders would be extremely jealous of because he's all muscle.

"You wouldn't," one guy growls; he is in front of the others. He has black hair that stops above his hazel eyes. He isn't an Alpha. That much I can tell. He looks tall and cute.

"Oh but we would," Thomas says in a sad taunting voice. He clicks the gun and points it directly at the first guy. My time to step in! Just as he fires I gracefully jump down and catch the bullet between my front teeth. I stand up straight and spit out the bullet. I wave at Thomas using my fingers.

"Hello boys," I purr. My tail flicks and twitches.

"Now; why am I not surprised? You're never too far behind," Thomas says shaking his head while chuckling.

"I never fail to surprise. You should know that Thomas," I say as my ears twitch.

"No you never do Lila," Jake says crossing his arms. I twitch my nose slightly.

"Thank you Jake. Now I don't know about you but can we just get this fight on with? I need to be somewhere in a little bit," I say pretending to look at my watch. Brick pulls out his gun and aims it at me. I gracefully jump over Thomas and land on Brick. I tackle him to the ground and hit a pressure point causing him to pass out. I then turn to take out Brian and Jordan. They fall to the ground with thuds as I easily and gracefully take them down. I slowly turn to Jake before gracefully leaping into the air and flipping in the air before landing on Jake causing him to fall to the ground. I bite his neck injecting the venom that will make him pass out for a while. I do a back flip and land on my feet facing Thomas. I give him another wave with my fingers before lunging at him and tackling him to the ground like a cat. He falls with a thud and manages to inject me with some type of liquid before he passes out from the venom in my bite. I stand up and take out the needle before tossing it away. The boys are staring at me in a mix of shock and awe.

"So the names Emmet; Emmet Phase nice to meet you," I say extending my small hand. They tower over my 5'1 height. It sucks because I'm 17 and only 5'1. I have a tiny build so most people underestimate my power. There is a soft breeze beside me as Ren jumps down beside me. She is 5'2 and has bleach blonde hair with black underneath. Her eyes are pale blue and her skin is pale. She is 17 also. She has a skinny and curvy figure. That's the only thing we have in common. We both have pale skin and skinny but curvy figures.

"Aww I missed it," she whines. Her white tail flicks around behind her while her ears twitch. I smirk and nod. She is my sister and best friend.

"Serena Phase nice to meet you fine boys. So what you guys doing out here that required saving," Ren asks as she finally notice the guys.

"What are you two," the first guy asks; his voice barely above a whisper.

"Obviously I am a female. So is Ren here. You are males," I say slowly as if I'm speaking to a child.

"You're on our territory," a guy behind him announces. He has short cut dark brown hair and light blue eyes.

"Saving your asses," I remind with a shrug.

"You know that we have to take you to our Alpha considering you are trespassing," the first guy says. I walk up to him swaying my hips putting my feline grace and charm into my strut.

"And what if I don't want to go," I whisper into his ear. He shivers slightly but stands his ground.

"Looks like we gotta go meet an Alpha, Emmet," Ren says with a smirk. I smirk also and allow my feline ears and tail to retract back into my body. I smile innocently before putting my hands in front of me pretending to wait for handcuffs. I notice Ren copy my motions standing beside me.

"Take us away to our doom," I say dramatically.

"The house is pretty far away so we have to shift," the first guy says. I shrug and Ren and I shift into our wolves. Hers is pure solid white with black on the tip of her ears and tail. Mine is jet black with white on my ears and tails. We are inverse twins after all. She's complete opposite from me in personality and looks. She has white hair with pale blue eyes. I have jet black hair and dark blue gray eyes. She is a white wolf I am a black one. She is a white snow leopard; I am a black panther. Only a handful of people in the world can shift into felines and wolves. Ren and I can do both. We follow the guys as they shift into their wolves and run back to their pack house. Ren and I shift back when we stop at the large mansion. Our clothes transform with us but the guys have to get clothes. We walk into the house between the guys and I am instantly hit with an amazing smell. I simply ignore it though. They lead us farther back into the house and we stop in front of a set of huge double doors. They smell is much stronger here. My inner wolf, Midnight, and my inner feline, Smokey, are both getting excited. The Alpha is in there; I can tell by the aura around the room.

"Alpha; we have found Rogues on our territory," the first guy says as we enter the room.

"Kill them," a deep and sexy voice grumbles out. I notice that he is standing leaning over a desk. His back is to us. He is tall; around 6'4 with a muscular and lean build. His hair is jet black and his skin is pale; that's all I can tell. He suddenly stiffens and stands up straight. He spins around so fast I barely had a chance to blink. He looks around until his eyes land on mine. They are an electric blue. Warmth spreads through me and I gasp slightly before a smirk comes on to my face. He growls lowly his eyes never leaving mine.

Assassin Mate + Possessive Alpha = One Fun RideWhere stories live. Discover now