Chapter 12: Girls day

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Sakura sat up in bed to the sound of an alarm. She rubs her eyes and looks beside her on her nightstand and chuckles. "Looks like she actually bought me one. Who does she think she is sneaking into my room to put this here? Pain in my - "

"Hello Sakura"
Sakuras eyes widened and she looked over her door to see Karin with an annoyed look on her face. "You were saying?" Sakura chuckled forcibly, "oh nothing ha ha ha.. So what, I'm working again today?" Karin stretched as she turned away from Sakura "unfortunately I was called on a last minute mission, and Sasuke being Sasuke, as you can guess, is on a mission as well. You know the drill dear. Salad is downstairs and I leave in 10, so get your lazy ass up. " Karin smirks and walks downstairs leaving a pissed of Sakura getting our of bed. "Hmph, like I said, pain in my ass." Sakura yawns and gets dressed. She starts to remember last nights events and blushes, 'hopefully it went as well for him as it did for me.. ' Sakura looks at her new alarm clock and trops downstairs to see Salad sitting on the couch and Karin with her arms crossed. "Bout time. I'm leaving... Have her home in bed by 10 as usual. Thank you." Karin disappears and Salad looks over at Sakura.

"You didn't brush your hair."
Sakura cringed, "haha, nice to see you too." Sakura smiles "whatcha wanna do today?" Salad smirks and crosses her arms, "I was thinking we could go visit the Hokage, since it seems like he barely lives outside his office sometimes." Sakuras face goes red and Salad smirks at the effect her words had. "Chill out hot head, I was joking." Salad stands and walks to the door, "I was thinking we could go shopping or something. Stuff girls do, i don't know. Anything to get outside."
Sakura smiled, "Girls? Well, how about I call up the rest of them and we can have a girls day? Just us girls."

Salad smiles, "I think I know what a girls day is. "
Sakura shakes her head and opens the door for her and Salad, as Salad walks past her she chuckles. "Oh, and my mom flipped at how many apples you bought that day."

Sakura shoots back, "ME?! I don't recall me being the one buying about a hundred damn apples in one day!"

" that's how I remember it!"

Salad laughs as Sakura closes her door and they walk off to Inos flower shop.

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