Chapter 5: Memories and Dates

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Sakura and Hishiro showed up at the ramen shop after a couple minutes of walking and talking, the girl behind the counter noticed and smiled "Wow, Sakura!! Havent seen you here in a while, whats up??" Sakura and Hishiro sat down and Sakura smiled back "Hey Misa, sorry i havent been here for a while, ive been busy with work and babysitting"

"oh yeah, you babysit Salad, i forgot" Misa chuckled at looked at Hishiro "Hello, whats your name? Ive never seen you here before" Hishiro scratched his head and smiled "Hi, I'm Hishiro and im new to Konoha" Misa smiled "well Hishiro i hope you enjoy your stay at Konoha" Sakura smiled "ill have Chicken ramen" Hishiro looked at Sakura "me too" he said, Misa smiled and looked towards the back room "two chicken ramen please!" 

"sure thing" a man said and starting cooking, Misa looked back at Sakura and Hishiro "so, Sakura, how have you been? Last time you were here you came with Naruto" Hishiros ears perked a bit

"you mean the Hokage?" he asked and Misa knodded "you came to ramen with the hokage?" he asked Sakura, she smiled "yeah, ive known Naruto since we were kids, we were on the same team, we grew up together" Hishiro got a little jealous and Misa sighed "too bad hes married to Hinata, i always thought you and Naruto would get together, i even had a wedding planned" Misa joked a little at the last sentence and she felt like laughing when Sakura blushed, but then she looked down.

Misa remember the day Sakura came into the shop with Naruto, when he left she stayed and looked upset


"bye Sakura!" Naruto ran off as Sakura stayed seated, she looked down sadly "whats wrong Sakura?" Misa asked and Sakura looked up at Misa, her jade eyes watery "Misa.." Misa quickly ran around the counter and hugged Sakura "Sakura..whats wrong?

"Naruto and Hinata are engaged" Misa stiffened a little bit, then started to rub sakuras back as she cried, she was about to say something but Sakura beat her to it

" I-I can't..Its t-too late now!! N-Naruto will never know how i feel about him!!" Sakura cried harder as Misa swallowed the lump in her throat, she felt like crying " do you feel about him?" She felt Sakura look up at her and was her eyes were becoming puffy "I-I.." Sakura gulped and sobbed, whitch tore Misas heart about "I Love him.." She heard Sakura whisper, Misa quickly hugged Sakura again as she,too, starting crying "oh Sakura..i'm so sorry.." Misa hugged Sakura tighter as they both cried 

"Misa?" Misa looked up to see her boss "you should walk her home, ill lock up" Misa knodded and started to walk Sakura home, when they got there Sakura wiped her eyes and unlocked her door, Sakura lived alone now, "Thank you Misa, I needed that" Sakura hugged Misa again and looked at her, Misa smiled sadly "Sakura, I hope you feel better. Remember you can come to me for anything, but youll find someone else, someone else youll love and cherish and when that day comes, i'll be right beside you..always" Misa and Sakura hugged again as Misa turned to walk away she heard Sakura whisper something before she shut the door "Thank you.."


"Misa?" Sakura asked, she noticed tears flew out of Misas eyes, Hishiro sipped his ramen and looked at her, Misa wiped her eyes "Im sorry, just thinking" Sakura frowned "Whats wrong Misa?" Sakura finished her ramen "Nothing, i was just ,uh, remember the day Salad was born, tearful" Misa giggled and wiped her tears and Sakura smiled, she knew Misa was lying "well ,Sakura, ill walk you home" Hishiro said and smiled, Sakura stood up "yeah, it was awesome seeing you Misa! ill come again" Hishiro wraped his arm around Sakuras shoulders and they both walked out while talking. Misa smiled 

"Hishiro, you better damn make her happy or ill punch the lights outta you.." She giggled and went to lock up

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