Chapter 8: The Plan- part 1

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The next morning Sakura woke up an hour early and headed to Inos apartment, she knocked loudly and heard a groan come from the other side. Ino opened the door in her pajamas and hair down and messy, she looked pissed "Billboard brow! Why are you here so early in the morning?!" Sakura grabbed Inos hand and ran into her house "No time to explain we need to plan"

"Plan? Plan what?"  Inos anger slipped away as she put up her hair into a ponytail

"Well you see..Last night I ran into Hinata and she was upset that Naruto wasn't paying attention to her and i promised her that i would make him notice her but I need help so i came to you so please help me Ino!" Sakura spoke really fast and begged, witch surprised Ino

'She really changed..' Ino crossed her arms "fine fine, ill help. But it's gonna cost ya"

Sakura quickly sat up "Cost what???" Ino smirked "you haft to tkae my shift at the flower show for 2 weeks"  Sakura groaned then sighed "fine, now help me"

Ino and Sakura planned for 3 hourse, after they came up with the last part Sakura sat back and sighed and placed her ring finger to her 'sacred mark' atop her forehead

"Hey, Billboard brow, do you think it will work?" Sakura dropped her hand and looked at Ino with a determined smile "Yeah, im sure!!"

Sorry to do this but...CLIFFHANGER >.<

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