Chapter 1: Thoughs

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"Damn, he's too hyper" Naruto sighed,refering to Bold. He looked at a picture of him, Hinata and their kids, an emotion filled his eyes then dissapeared as someone walked into his office

"Sakura-chan?" Naruto stood up and she bowed "Hokage-sama, i'm here to pick up your scrolls to bring to the Sand village"  She stood up and Naruto couldnt help but look over her. Her pink hair, the hair he always adored, was down to her shoulders, she has side bangs and the green diamond on the forehead was visable, her green eyes, the ones he loved to look into, were the same irrisistable color green as when they were younger, she was wearing a red zipper-up shirt and black capri shorts, he could tell she changed over the years, inside and out. "Hokage-sama?" Naruto snapped out of his trance and smiled "Please Sakura-chan, call me Naruto" she smiled and knodded, oh how we missed her smile. He grabbed the scolls and handed them to her, his hand brushing ageinst hers as she took them with a smile 'so soft..' he thought "thank you Hoka-Naruto" she bowed and walked out the room, closing the door with her foot. 'oh how I miss her' he thought and sat at his desk, he started on his paperwork for the Sound village but he had trouble all he could think about was 'Sakura.." he looked at his family picture again 'why do I feel this way? after so long..'


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