Chapter 2: Misunderstanding

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  • Dedicated to NARUSAKU

When Naruto got home, he set down his coat and shoes then slumped on the couch

"Welcome home, Naruto-kun" Hinata smiled and looked down at him, Naruto closed his eyes "thank you Hinata, better here then work" Hinata giggled "it's that bad,huh?" She sat next to his feet and he sat up "not really, its always been my dream to be hokage and now i have it, im lovin' it even though it's hard" Naruto sretched and Hinata smiled again "I saw Sakura-san at the hospital today, she was healing Ino-san" Naruto's eyes widened a bit at the pink haired girls name "why? isn't Ino a medic-nin too?" "Yes, but Sakura told me Ino was battleing and lost a lot of chakra, so Sakura insisted to heal her" Naruto smiled for the first time since he got home 'Sakura is always nice' Hinata noticed his facial expression and frowned inside 'i know that smile is not for me' she thought. then continued "I had lunch with her and we talked, we talked about how everyone got their dream job and how well everything is, but i was dissapointed when she told me she wasn't married to Sasuke, and then-" Naruto interupted Hinata "Wait, Sakura and Sasuke arent married??" Hinata shook her head "that explains why we never saw a wedding, and why nobody asked" she said then sighed, "then who is Sasuke married to? Why do i see Sakura at his hous? Who does he have a child with?" Naruto asked so many questions and Hinata smiled once again "i asked the same questions she said, 'Sasuke is married to Karin,not me, and I babysit their daughter Salad while they are working, sorry for the misunderstanding, but i never got married' " Hinata finished and Naruto had his mouth wide open, and he was shocked, Hinata closed his mouth "Close your mouth honey, you'll catch flies" Hinata giggled and stood up then walked upstairs, leaving Naruto sitting on the couch thinking 


Naruto sighed and put his head in his hands, "this is the worst" Naruto layed back and thought and thought until his eyes closed from exaughtstion


Hope you like it :3

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