Chapter 4: New guy? WHAT?!

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Naruto leaned back in his chair and sighed "I dont know what to stuck.."

Naruto sa tup when his door opened "Naruto, I saw a new guy at Konoha gates and he says he wants to become a Konoha citizen" Naruto was shocked "he wants to live here?" Sakura knodded "bring him in" Naruto stood up as Sakura brought a boy in - well he wasnt a boy at all,  he was a couple inches taller than Sakura - so the same height as Naruto himself, he had red hair with blue eyes , he wore a black shirt with black shorts , he looked at Naruto with determination "what vilage are you from?" Naruto asked the boy "and whats your name?" The boy stood up straight and clared his throat, and out came a voice that any girl would love " Hello Hokage-sama, I'm Hishiro Nakashi, I'm 21 years old, I'm a medical ninja from the village of Fire, I hope I can become a resident of your wonderful village" Naruto watched as Hishiro bowed, Sakura smiled at the boy and his manners "Stand up Hishiro" Naruto ordered, the boy stood up and Naruto studied him "Welcome to Knonha boy, but if you make any trouble, its back to the fire, got it?" Hishiro smiled wide and started to laugh hapily "Hai! I promise Hokae-sama!!" The boy turned around and saw Sakura, and did something that made Narutos eyes widen, Hishiro blushed "So, Sakura-chan.. even though we just met, you seem really cool, and since we are both medic ninjas..maybe, maybe we can go talk about it over Ramen.." Naruto stood there, eyes wide as Sakura smiled once again "Sounds fun, maybe I can teach you some of Konohas herbs while were at it" Hishiro smiled wide as him and Sakura walked out of Narutos office, shutting the door behind them.

Naruto stood there dumbfounded "What just happened..?"

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