chapter 13: commitment

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I APOLOGIZE FOR NOT UPDATING IN LITERALLY FOREVER OMG , now im gonna make 10 new chapters cause i feel bad. enjoy :3


Naruto awoke to a haze, his blue eyes clouded as he looks over to see his sleeping wife cuddled onto his arm. He felt bad, terribly bad.
One: how the HELL did he not realize sasuke and sakura weren't married sooner?? they never even had a wedding. from what he remembered.

'im getting old' he thought.

two: Hinata. Knowing he still has strong feelings for Sakura, and having the guts to get close enough to make a move, while MARRIED. He knows it's not fair. to Hinata or him, but this was his problem and he decided to fix it. starting today.


Sakura was pulling off her medical coat as Naruto walked in suddenly.

"Naruto!! you can't be in here-"

Naruto closed the door, " i know i know, it's inappropriate to talk to you at work Sakura but—"

Sakura pointed to a sign behind the door, "no, you idiot, this is the LADIES dress room. you really cant be in here"

Sakura was pushing Naruto out the door, before she shut the door behind him she heard him say, "dinner tonight at my place. 8 pm, please be there"

Sakura slammed the door and leaned her back onto it. She isn't sure why she was being a bit cold towards him today. 'dinner? at his house? what about hinata?' . hinata. that's why Sakura was being this way, last night she had thought it out. About how happy Naruto makes her, the way his stare makes her heat up from the inside out. She wanted a future with him. kids even, but he is m a r r i e d . He made a commitment to Hinata, one of the sweetest girls in the village. Who did sakura think she was?? thinking he would divorce someone as amazing as Hinata, for her? She's always been rather mean towards him. She cant even count how many times she's sucker punched him. She changed, but maybe..

'maybe it's too late...'  Sakura grabbed her bag and walked out the hospital .

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