chapter 14: preperation

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Sakura paced. and paced, and paced....

'why does Naruto wanna have dinner at HIS place?? what is he planning?' Sakura looked towards her closet, debating on her outfit choice.

"i need professional help for this.." Sakura picked up her phone and dialed a friend who can help..

"FOREEEHEADDD!! IM COMING UP!" Sakura heard Ino yell from downstairs. Ino was pretty good at looking presentable. When Ino made it to Sakura's room she went straight for the closet.

"alright what we talkin here? fancy dinner? work dinner?.."

sakura hesitated before saying this, "Naruto asked me to dinner.. at his house"

Ino quickly stopped her movements and looked over at her pink haired friend. "Is he stupid?? did he forget his damn WIFE lives in the same house? what the hell is that idiot thinking?!" . Sakura listened as Ino ranted. "I dont know, but all i know is i don't want to show up looking like...this" Sakura pointed to her daily attire, "i want to look good. help me out"

Ino smirked over at her friend, "i have the PERFECT outfit for this encounter. give me a sec" Ino started to frantically rummage through Sakuras closet until she finally pulled out a skin tight, calf lengthed dress that was red wine, a color that created contrast against Sakuras pale skin. "THIS. you havent worn it since the night of Naruto's congratulatory party. he couldnt take his eyes off you even then!! you have to wear it" Ino threw the dress at Sakura to let her eye it for a couple minutes.

"its not too, showy?? it's just at his house..." Ino scowled at Sakura, "did i ask?? no. youre wearing that dress, and im curling your hair, dabbing on some lipgloss and BAM you'll be a Naruto magnet."

Sakura stared at the dress for a couple minutes until she finally smiled in approval, "let's do it."


Naruto sat at his dinner table beside Hinata, more nervous than ever. how would this end?? maybe he didn't think this over enough. But before he could change his mind, there was a knock on the door.

Hinata stood and walked towards the door. She was wearing a pastel purple top that fit her like a second skin, along with a white skirt that ended right below her knees. Hinata was beautiful, no doubt about that.  But Naruto was not prepared for what he saw when Hinata moved out the way to reveal Sakura stepping inside.

Naruto was speechless, he had remembered that dress. that devil dress, it hugged every one of Sakuras curve just perfectly. Making her look like the most tempting mistress, he couldn't help himself but stare. When Naruto looked up at her face, he saw that her smiling lips had a shiny gloss on them, and it made them look even more ravishing. Naruto finally snapped out of it when he realised Sakura was speaking to him.

"im sorry S-Sakura, what did you say?"
Sakura smirked, "I said thank you bringing me into your home for dinner. I feel honored" Naruto had realised Hinata disappeared into the kitchen, maybe to fetch the food. He took this to his advantage.


Sakura gasped lightly as she felt Narutos hand trace up her side, she looked down at him only to see him staring at her body. "Naruto?" Was all she could get out, because when he looked up, his clouded blue eyes entrapped her and stopped all of her mobile movements and speech. He wanted her. Sakura snapped out when she heard a plate clang in the kitchen, she shook her head and pushed away Narutos hand. "im gonna go see if youre wife needs help in the kitchen" she smiled and walked into the kitchen. She didnt see his shameful eyes and the scratch at his head. he was in deep deep shit.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2018 ⏰

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