Chapter 11: Date

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When Ino was done dressing Sakura, she was stunning.
She was wearing a short dress that showed her curves, black shoes (not heels) and a red flower pin in her hair.
"You look amazing!!" Ino smiles
"I did pretty good"
Sakura looked at herself in the mirror
The doorbell rang, Sakura looked at the clock at saw it was eigh o clock, she ran downstairs leaving Ino smiling
" go het him"
Sakura opened the door and Narutos breath left him, she looked amazing - stunning!! Naruto closed his mouth so he wouldn't drool.
"Shall we go?" He asked
"We shall"

At the Ramen shop Misa saw they walk in "woah dont you guys look all fancy" Misa giggled
"Haha yeah" they both sat down and ordered. " so Sakura, hows Sasuke?"
Sakura smiled "hes good, how about Hinata?"
Naruto smiled "good good"
After they ate Naruto walked Sakura home and they stopped at her front door.
" thank you for tonight Naruto"
Naruto smiled " your welcome"
They stood looking at each other until Naruto started to lean forward. Sakura also leaned forward and then something happened -
Wam!! Sakuras door slamed open with angry Ino "i cant believe you left me here with this evil!!"
Ino pointed to Salad and Sakura laughed, "s-see you Naruto"
Naruto smiled through his blush
Sakura shut the door and Naruto walked home.

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