Chapter 3: Talking

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After work the next day Naruto went to the hosptial to speak to a certain pink haired girl, one he spotted her he ran "Sakura-chan!" 

Sakura turned around and was shocked to see it was Naruto "N-Naruto? What are you donig here?" he stopped in front of her and sighed "I came to talk to you,duh,why else?" he smiled his signature Naruto smile, Sakura smiled back. "what about?" Sakura and Naruto sat at a table nearby "I have a couple minutes till i have my next patient, make it fast" She placed down her clipboard and leaned back in her chair, Naruto gulped "is it true you're not married to Sasuke?" Sakura raised one eyebrow up "Yeah, did hinata tel you that?" Naruto knodded and Sakura sighed "well, its true, Sasuke is married to Karin, i babysit and all other stuff, and i've never been married, go ahead laugh" Sakura looked down "why would I laugh?" Naruto looked at her as she bit her lip "im the only one of us out of our friends that haven't gotten married yet..Sasuke has Karin, Temari has Shikamaru, TenTen has Neji, even Lee has someone, and..Hinata has the only one" Sakura stiffened a little bit as Naruto placed his hand on her head "Sakura-chan, i wouldnt laugh, sure everyone has someone, but that doesnt mean you'll never find your someone, you never know, he might.." Naruto looked into Sakuras jade eyes " closer then you think.." Sakura and Naruto both moved in a little bit until "SAKURA!! GET TO YOUR PATIENT NOW!" Sakura stood up scared, "y-yes ma'am..sorry Naruto" she bowed, grabbed her clipbpard and ran off.

'so close..' Naruto thought and looked at his hand that was upon her head a couple minutes ago, he clenched it 'so close..'

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