Chapter 6: Babysit

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Sakura woke the next day at 6 a.m from a knock on her door, she jumped up and rubbed her eyes "uhh..who's here this early in the morning?" she trodded downstairs and opened the door, her eyes windened a bit "Naruto?"

Naruto heard footsteps as he waited for Sakura to open the door, he heard the door unlock and it opened, his own eyes widened, Theres stood Sakura, in nothing but a long red t-shirt, her hair tossled, he knew he had just woke her up "Naruto?"  He shook my head and smiled "Good morning Sakura-chan" Sakura grunted "Why so early~?" She wined, Naruto chuckled "Sakura-chan, dont you remember? You need to watch Salad today, I just saw Karin leaving and she told me to remind you" he saw Sakuras eyes widen "Shit! I forgot!" Naruto watched as Sakura ran into her house, leaving the door open, Naruto walked in and shut it for her and waited for her to come down. When she did, she had on her normal clothes, her hair still tossled, as she went to her bag and began to pack it, he spotted a brush on the table and grabbed it, then he started to brush her hair. Sakuras eyes widened "Naruto..?" 

"Sorry Sakura-chan, you forgot to brush your hair" Narutos eyes softened at the feel of her soft hair, then a loud knock came on her door. Sakura opened it to see Karin with Salad, Karin looked pissed "Sakura Haruno! You have made me late for my mission! When i come back im buying you an alarm clock!!" Karin gave Salad to Sakura and walked off, Sakura shut her door. 

"Why is the Hokage here?" Salad asked, eyeing Naruto "Shouldnt he be with his own family?" Sakura quickly covered Salads mouth and thought ' I forgot Salad knows about my feelings for Naruto, gotta get him outta here'

"Well, you see, im here to help Sakura babysit you, since i got the day off" Naruto said, Salad pulled Sakuras hand away from her mouth and crossed her arms "Well, i dont think thats a good idea because Sakura is still upse - " Sakura covered Salads mouth again and Narutos eyebrow went up in question, Sakura smiled nervously "you should leave, she tends to get crazy"

" But -"

"Go Naruto, Ill see you later"

Sakura pushed Naruto out the door and shut it, Salad chuckled

"Oooo, you just kicked the hokage out of your house, you're in trouble "

Sakura slid down the door and looked at Salad, she had a 'Sasuke smirk' on her face and Sakura smiled "your lucky your father is a friend of mine.."

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