Chapter 7 : I Promise!

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Late that day Sakura and Salad went to the market to get the little girls favorite fruit, Apples. Sakura finaly sgreed and it became dark as they walked. Salad held onto Sakuras hand and she smiled 'Salad seems to be warming up to me' Salad looked away from Sakura was a little blush on her face and Sakura giggled. "So Salad, hows your dad?" Salad looked forward "He's good, he asked about you yesterday"

"He did? what about?" Sakura became curious

"He asked me how you're doing" Sakura was a little shocked at this

"Oh" Sakura looked forward and stopped as they reached the market, but Sakura saw someone she didnt really wanna see at the time.. Hinata

'Damn it' Hinata spotted Sakura and Salad, smiled, and walked over 

"Hello Sakura-san, Salad" Hinata smiled sweetly, as did Sakura but Salad just scowled 

"It's nice to see you again" She looked at Sakura and she saw that Hinatas eyes didn't have that normal happy sparkle she always sees

"Same here, what brings you here?" Sakura asked as Salad walked towards the apples

"Oh, I'm just here buying fruits for the kids"

"Oh yeah! How ae they?" Sakura asked as her and Hinata sat down at a table nearby

"Oh their good, Bolt acts just like Naruto"

" I can tell" Sakura giggled, thinking about how Naruto acted when they were kids

Hinata saw this, ' i'm sorry Sakura-san..'

Hinata placed her hand onto Sakuras that was laying on the table and smiled at her kindy, all Sakura could do was look at her

"Sakura-san, I don't know why, but Naruto hasn't seemed to notice me now a days" Hinata sighed "Just like when we were kids..i noticed him evertwhere but he never noticed me, only a stalker almost" Sakura looked into Hinatas now dull eyes and frowned

'It's my fault, iv'e been bothering Naruto will all this stuff' Sakura placed her other hand ontop of Hinatas witch was on top of hers and smiled at her sweetly

"Hinata, you're like a sister to me, I care very much about you. You're beautiful, sweet and very very caring" Sakura saw Hinata blush a little "You were a such a shy little girl, but now you've matured into something I cant..I might not be as caring or as sweet as you, but i really do care for you so thats why i'm gonna help you with Naruto and get him to notice you, and ill make sure it stays that way, I promise!"

Sakura felt Hinatas hand squueze around hers, and Hinata now had tears falling from her eyes with a smile on her face "Thank you so much Sakura-san, you're the best" Hinnata and Sakura stood up to leave, Sakura was surprised when Hinata hugged her tightly. Sakura hugged back, they pulled away and Hinata wiped away her tears and smiled "I'm very happy you're going to make Naruto-kun notice me" Sakura smiled and bowed as Hinata walked away.

Salad came back with a huge supply of apples "SALAD! WHY DO YOU HAVE SO MUCH?! PUT IT BACK NOW!" Sakura was now over Salad, Salad with he rback to her holding out the bag.

They didnt notice when Sasuke stopped in front of the market, seeing Sakura and his daughter like that, but he gasp when he saw Salad laugh, soon Sakura joining, they payed for the apples and walked down the street, Salad grabbed Sakuras hand and they dissapeared from his sight

' Sakura and Salad seem to be close..' He smiled a little as he walked towards his home

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