Warmth, thrill and chills

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Walking has now become a big part of my life. Trudging along the dirt road dragging my feet when I walked. I wore my black tank top with a red and black flannel shirt on top with the sleeves rolled up. My bottom half wore black skinny ripped jeans and combat boots. I had my holster around my waist with my Python inside and in my boot was a leather red handled knife. I wiped my hand across my face wiping the sweat from my forehead. The summer breeze blew through my hair, it was nice to have some air in the hot summer. 

I came to a row of houses. Each house was made from a white panneled sort of wood. I needed to find some food so I went up to the first house. I walked up a little garden path, on each side was small brown bushes. I walked up to the door, it was brown and  white chalk writing on it. It said 'walker inside, got my shoe but didn't get me' what sort of person would right that, well at least I don't have to check for walkers now. I thought to myself.  I took my knife from my boot and held in front of my face in defence. I opened the door with my free hand and pushed the door open wide. The house was quite small. In front of me was the hallway to the kitchen and the stair case. I tapped the knife on the banister with the bottom of my knife. I listen to hear where the walker is the noise was coming from the upstairs. I decided to save my strength and just look around the ground floor for food.

I had finished looking and only found one can of peaches, so I put it into my bag, walked out of the house and carried on up the street. Gunfire filled the steet it was coming from one of the houses. Should I help, someone might be in trouble. I thought selfishly. I had obviously decided to help as I was running towards where the noise had come from. I pushed the door open to find about ten walkers bashing against a door. They had now stopped as I made a lot of noise bursting through the door to the rescue.
They came stumbling towards me , I reached for my knife out of my boot and held it up. The first walker that came at me had my knife plunge into its head causing its blood to splatter over my face. I twisted and turned slashing walker blood over everywhere, but mostly on me.

Carl POV:

I was sat up against the kitchen door trying to stop the walkers from coming in and ripping the flesh off my bones. My one foot was slipping as my shoe had been taken by another walker. Then the bashing stopped and I could hear slashing of a knife and small grunts. I stood up and opened the door at a jar and peered around the corner of the door. There was a girl her hair flying around the room with walker blood over her. She plunged her knife into the last of the walkers head. At this time I was standing right outside the door and looking her. 

"You ok?" She asked wiping the blood off her knife onto her black ripped skinny jeans. He hair was a golden brown colour with blonde ends. Dirt and now blood covered her face. "Um....um yeh thanks" I stuttered shocked at the amount of walkers she just killed and for someone she didn't even know.  She was quite a pretty girl with her elegant jaw line and pale olive skin. "Um my names Carl and what's you name I didn't quite catch it?" I asked her showing quite a small smile.

"I didn't say" she said beginning to laugh "no only joking it's Izzy and I would shake your hand, but I'm covered in blood" she said rubbing them on her jeans. I walked a bit closer to her and she lifted her head and looked at me. I starred into her hazel, transing eyes and put my hand under her chin.

Your POV:

Carl put his hand under my chin. I looked into his deep blue eyes. To be honest they were quite dazzling and staring into them made me forget the danger and what our world was. He placed his warm lips on my cold ones kissing me gently. I didn't stop I joined in pushing my touge into his mouth then I pulled away remembering I had only met about a minute ago. "Sorry" he spoke in his deep voice sending chills through my stomach. "I just haven't met a pretty girl for a long time" he said blushing a deep red. "It's fine....it was quite nice" I said becoming the same red colour as him. He walked closer to me grabbing my waist gently with his strong large hands. I laced my hands through his hair. "Close you eyes" he said mystioursly. As I did he placed his lips on mine stronger than before. My hands rubbed through his hair, he picked me up around me waist and I hooked my legs around him. He placed me on the kitchen counter behind us. Warmth, thrill and chills ran through my body thinking this was going to be an interesting night.

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