Do you remember? Part three

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Ally's POV:

I don't know what to feel, I like him then I remember and I don't. He clouds my judgement. God he's so hard to not love though. What do I do? I can't let him win by letting myself forgive him. And now I've made it even more complicated by kissing him. Why? I'm so stupid. What the hell am I doing? He asked me why I did it? I told him 'heat of the moment' but that was a lie. I was still madly in love with him, but he needs to face his consequences.

"We should get back." I said.  Carl got up and held his hand out to me. I looked up to him. I couldn't be rude so I took it. He helped me up and pulled me to my feet. "Which way?" he asked.

"North." I answered. We walked through the woods. "Carl um you dropped this earlier." I said pulling his hat from my bag. "Oh thanks Al." he said taking and placing it on the top of his head.

"You look more normal now." I said laughing to myself.

"Oi." He said pushing me lightly making me stubble slightly.

"Not my problem you have a big head." I chuckled. He stopped behind me and looked to me with puppy dog eyes. "Can't take a small joke Carl?" I said. He ran up to me and grabbing me around the waist and holding me over his shoulders. I screamed through a laugh. "Carl put me down!" I said, but he didn't he kept teasing me. "Carl." I shouted. He finally put me down. "your such a tease." I said smiling and looking into his remarkable blue eyes.

Suddenly sounds of moans and groans filled the air. "We need to go." I said looking at Carl. He was more scared looking than me. There must have been a herd since we couldn't go anywhere, but up the tree and remembering Carl is not the best climber I let him go first. He climbed to a high branch. I struggled with my footing on the bark of the tree. "Ally come on!" He shouted down to me. I looked side to side seeing the mass of walkers coming from both directions. "I'm trying I can't get a good grip." I shouted looking up to Carl. A walker grabbed for me, but just in time I felt someone grab me, it was Carl he pulled me up the first bit of the tree and I climbed the rest of the way.

"How are we going to get rid of them?" I asked.

"We can't we'll have to wait it out." Carl said sitting on a high, but stable branch and leaning against the tree trunk. I took my bag from my back and looking through it. I pulled out a rope. "Tie this to you and the tree so you don't fall." I said to him. (A/N Yes the hunger games) 

"What about you?" He asked me "You'll have to sit up against me then we can tie it round the both of us." He said. I really didn't have any other choice and It was a life or death matter and I would rather Carl than a walker. "Fine." I said. The rope was now tied around the both of us and I fell into a secure sleep in Carls arms.


"CARL!!!!" I screamed as my Dad carried me away. "CARL!!!!" I kept shouting. My Dad carried me over his shoulder. I was kicking and pounding his back. "Let me go!" I shouted feeling his hands place me on the hard floor. "Shut it or I go back and kill your boyfriend." He said to me gritting his teeth. This made me shut it. All went black as he hit me. I woke up in a room. It was small and smelt like rotting bodies. "Finally awake are you? Good." My Dad said. My vision still blurry I tried moving, but I was tied to a metal chair. "Let me go, I don't want to stay with you, your nothing to me, you killed mom." I shouted spitting in the process. "Don't talk to your father like that." He said slapping me across the face. I spat out the blood in my mouth. "Carl will find me." I said quietly, but also loud enough for him to hear me.  "He'll never come for you, the only person who cares for you is me." He spat. I turned away from him and scrunched my face up not wanting to listen to his lies. "If you cared you wouldn't have stabbed Carl and left him for dead, neither would you have killed Mom." I shouted looking to his angry face red from my attitude.

Flashback over:

I woke up from my deep sleep. The morning had arrived and the walkers had gone. Carl still in a deep sleep. I pushed him slightly to wake him up, normally I would let him sleep, but we need to go. "Carl wake up we need to go." I said still shaking him. He moaned at his lack of sleep and finally woke up.

"I'm up." he said stretching his arms in the air, letting his smell roll around my head.

"Put your arms down  you stink." I said un-tying the rope from around us. He put his arms down and looked at me with a sleepy morning face. "Morning to you to." he said smiling at me. I laughed to him.

"Ally we need to talk, talk about what happened before." Carl said to me. I ignored him, but he pulled at my arm. "Ally I want you to know the real reason why I didn't come and get you. Ally I wont  you to be able to trust me again." He said now holding onto my wrists.

"Carl I don't know if I can." I said. I wanted to know the truth, but I also didn't. 

"Ally please just give me a chance to explain." He said. He was pretty close to me. His hands around my wrists and  gently rubbing them with his thumbs. "Ally Please you need to hear the truth I wanted to come get you but I couldn't, they wouldn't let me." He said. This caught my attention. what did that mean they didn't let him? "They?" I asked him looking anywhere, but his eyes. "What do you mean they didn't let you Carl?" I asked.

"My Dad, my group they wouldn't let me come and get you, they said you were already dead or that you'd be dead soon and I wouldn't get there in time. I tried to get to you, but they wouldn't let me go I wanted to find you and they didn't care, but I did, I wanted to find and THEY WOULDN'T LET ME." He said shouting at the end. He fell to the floor sobbing. I bent down on my knees and held his face in my hands. "Carl I'm sorry, I didn't know. Carl don't cry I need you, I need you to be strong." I said to him hugging him tightly. I felt his arms grip around my waist. He cried into my shirt.

Carl's POV:

I let out what I needed to. My emotions my feelings and finally the truth. I glad Ally finally knows the real reason why I left her. My Dad, my group they made me leave her and I couldn't do anything about it. I was holding her once again and she was holding me. "Ally we should find somewhere to rest, somewhere safe." I spoke up. I let go of her and stood up with her. "Yeh lets go."

Moments after we had found a row of houses we picked one and cleared it out. I was laying on the couch spread out. I had my hat over my eyes and started to go to sleep.


"Dad you have to let me go." I said crying with small tears down my eyes.

"No Carl she's dead or if not she'll die soon and you wont get there in time."  My Dad said.

"Dad you have to let me try, she's lost everything, she doesn't need to feel abandoned. DAD!!" I screamed. I ran my hands through my hair and walked towards the door. "Carl I can't let you leave I don't want you risking your life for some stupid girl." My Dad said.

"She's one of us Dad and you can't stop me." I said walking towards the doors of the prison, but my Dad did stop me. He grabbed me by the forearm and pulled me backwards. "Dad what the hell." I shouted trying to pull back. He pushed me into one of the nearby cells and locking the door. "Dad let me out I need to save her!" I shouted holding the bars of the cell doors and gripping them tight. My Dad looked me in eyes, I did too. "Dad, please." I said more calmingly, but he shook his head and walked away.

Flashback ended:

"Carl wake up, wake up." Ally shouted. My eyes shoot open. "Thank god Carl I thought you were dead." she said. I looked to her holding my hand. "You wouldn't wake up at first, I thought you were dead, you scared me." she said gripping it tighter.

I sat up and held her face in my hand. "I'm ok." I said to her. I leaned in kissing her gently. It become heated. She held my face and pushed my hat off my head. I lay back down on the couch and she climbed on top of me. I broke the kiss. "Do you trust me?" I asked her.

"Does this answer your question." She said smiling and kissing me once more. It felt like old times, but I felt way better. "Ally I love you." I said between kisses. I grabbed her thighs and turned her around for her back to be on the couch. I sat on her lightly lifting my shirt off and throwing it on the floor beside us. I began kissing down her neck and to her chest. I heard moans escaping from her mouth. "I love you too." she whispered. She loved me back, she actually loved me back and I loved her again. We trusted each other after all this time. I love her.  

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