Requested Part

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Another requested part from milatheantisocal. this one seemed to be a good, one I really enjoyed writing this thanks for the request. I love doing them so much xxH

Carl is such an arrogant prick, thinks he knows best. "Face it Carl we're lost!" I exclaimed. Throwing my arms up in frustration. "Oh shut it Y/N, you don't know where we are either!" He shouted back. Turning to face me, his one eye looking down at me as if it was a tip of a blade. "Why do you always have to be"

"Say it!" He yelled, moving his face closer, but keeping his body back.

"So fucking big headed!!" I bellowed. "All you have to say is we're lost, you can't even admit that!" I shouted, balling my fists up and turning them white.

"Fine we're fucking lost, you happy. I have no idea where we are, I don't have a fucking clue how to get back, to get back to everyone. We might not ever see them again!!" He shouted. We stood there breathing heavily, until I made a move. I slapped his across the face, hard. I turned around and began to sob. "Not like that, you didn't have to say it like that." I cried.

"Go!" He said. I shook my head and let my salty tears fall down my face. "Go now!" He shouted once again. "Y/N! WE NEED TO GO NOW!!" He yelled. I turned around and watched as a herd of walkers came directly for us. Carl grabbed my hand and pulled me away.

We had ran into an abandoned house, the house seemed big enough for us to lose them quickly in. Carl pulled me up the stairs and into one of the bedrooms. He soon let go of me, his warmth leaving my hand. He pulled the chair from under a desk and propped it up to the door handler creating some kind of barricade. "Y/n, in the closet." He said is a hushed voice. I stood in the closet and he joined me, he shut the door lightly until it clicked shut. Our faces were so close, I could feel his breath upon my face. "Carl I-"

"Sh." He said, putting his hand over my mouth. Noises soon entered the room. Growling, snarling and the shuffling of feet under the shoes of the many walkers that followed us. I closed my eyes and held my breath. He soon moved his hand from my mouth and to my hand, he pulled me into a warming hug and whispered into my ear. "It's okay I'm here, I'm so sorry y/n."

Rick's POV:

"They have to be here somewhere!" I said raising my voice to the others. Carl and Y/n had been gone for hours and I was beginning to worry. "Rick, we'll find them. Please don't worry yourself." Maggie told me.

"What if something bad has happened to them, to Carl."

"Rick he's nineteen now and so is Y/n, if anything bad happens they know what to do, Why don't we go back to camp and see if they found there way there."

"No we look for them, they should've been back by now. We pack up and go look."


Time had passed as we sat on the floor of the closet, holding each other tightly. One by one the walkers stumbled out of the room. "I think it's clear." Carl whispered into my ear faintly. "I'm gonna check it out." He said standing up, helping me up to.

"Be careful." I said. He squeezed my hand telling me he would be. He opened the door slowly, peeking his head around. He then opened it all the way. "Come on its clear." He said. I walked out from the closet and looked around. The floor was covered in muddy and bloody foot prints, which dragged across the wooden flooring.

We walked out of the house, with no trouble. "Where did they all go?" I asked squinting at the light from the beaming sun. "I don't know. Something must have drawn them away." He answered. "We better hit the road and find the camp quick."

"Carl." I called, he ignored me.

"My Dad is going to be so mad with me and Maggie is never going to forgive me for getting you lost." He babbled on.

"Carl!" I shouted. He soon snapped out of it.

"What?" He asked.

"Camp is that way." I said pointing towards one of the signs Daryl had put up.

"Shouldn't we be hearing people, hearing something?" I asked worryingly.

"Maybe they are sleeping." Carl said hopeful.

"In the middle of the day, when the sun is at its brightest." I said, I soon began to run.

"Y/N wait!" Carl called after me. I didn't listen, passing more signs, until I came to the clearing. My eyes widened and I fell to my knees. "They're gone Carl, gone!" I cried. Carl knelt in front of me and pulled me into a warming hug. "What are we going to do?!" I cried.

"There's nothing we can do y/n."

"No!" I said pushing him away. "We have to find them!" Carl looked at me with that killing look and held my shoulders tight. "You're right, but we can't stay here y/n. I'm not going to give up on them, I would never do that. Not to them and never to you. You just need to get a hold of yourself y/n otherwise we are never going to find them, I know you're strong and so am I, so we need calm are selves and get moving." He preached to me.

It's been at least five years now, I've been counting. Bad I know. I've never given up on them, finding Rick, Maggie and Daryl, all of them. "y/n come back to bed." Carl voice rang through my ears as his hands wrapped around my waist and his head nuzzled into the nape of my neck. "Not now Carl." I said

"Are you thinking about them?" He asked me kissing my neck and coming in front of me. I nodded answering his question. He moved his hands up and down my arms, looking down at me with his eyes soft and welcoming. My eyes looked away from him and then back whilst letting out a small laugh. "What?" He questioned

"Just remembering when you looked at me with those eyes, but not how they are now." I said giggling and biting my lip.

"You shouldn't do that." He smirked

"Do what?" I asked

"Biting your lip, it just makes me want to do this." He said placing his soft warm lips onto mine. I breathed out of my nose slightly, whilst kissing him back. His hands moved to the small of my back, caressing my soft skin. We smiled into the kiss and pulled away at just the right time. "Mommy, Daddy there's some strange people at the door." Our son said running towards Carl and hugging at his legs.

Our eyes widened in concern. "You stay here with Tom, keep him safe." Carl said picking up his gun and walking down the stairs. I couldn't hear much of what was going on, but I couldn't be sure. "Y/N come quick!" Carl called to me. I faced Tom and held his shoulders. "Stay here and don't move Mommy will be back soon."

I ran down the stairs with my knife in hand. "Carl?!" I called tunring the corner, my emotions collapsed. "Y/n!"

"Mag-g-g-gie? Rick-k? D-Daryl? J-Judith!??" I said running at them with all my happiness.

"Mommy, Daddy?" Tom called from the top of the stairs.

"Mommy?" Maggie questioned. I looked up at her and nodded at my tears soaked their shirts.

"Daddy?" Rick looked up at Carl

"Yeah Dad you're old."

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