The girl in the hat part two

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The sun had fallen letting the moon shine through the cracks in the boarded up windows. I was wide awake not being able to sleep. My Dad was snoring lightly as was Daryl. I sat up and leaned against the wall. It was silent then I heard muttering. It was more like soft sobbing. I pushed myself up and walked towards the shut door. I put my ear to the door. The sobbing was getting louder. I pulled the door open slowly and snuck my head around corner. It was Mia, she was sitting on the step near the landing with her head in her hands. I stepped out of the door and walked towards her.

The landing creaked making her stand an turn to face me. "What do you want?" She asked, her voice now  strong again. She wiped her hand over her cheeks and then sat back down again. "What do you want?" she asked me again, a little more shirty this time. "Um I heard sobbing are you ok?" I asked her. "Why would you care?" she said now standing right in my face. She new how to get me riled up, but I held myself back. "I don't." I said sternly looking down at her.

"Good." she said turning her back to me and walking away.

Morning arrived. And my Dad and Daryl went out on a run leaving me and Mia in the house. I began getting changed then I heard a loud smash and then a  small shriek. I ran down the stairs grabbing my gun and holding it in place, once I got down  the stairs, Mia was on the floor picking up pieces of broke glass. She was crying once again. She had blood running down her one arm and dripping onto the floor.  "Mia, what happened?" I asked her. she began breathing heavily and tears came from her eyes, but she wiped then away. "I-I just dropped at vase." Still picking up the glass from the floor. Water was spread across the floor and was now mixing with her blood. Dead flowers were laid on the ground where the vase had hit the floor. I noticed a soggy card on the floor and picked it up. I read it, it said.    ' I'm sorry'  I know did care and I did feel for her, I felt her pain, her sorrow, her hatred.

"Mia what-who-" she cut me off.

"Dead, they are dead Carl." She said to me, her eyes filled with water ready to burst.  "Who I'm I kidding you've probably lost someone, that's what it's like now." she said. She stood up facing me her arm still dripping with blood. She walked towards the bin and chucked it out. "Let me look at your arm Mia." I said grabbing her forearm. She turned to me in fright, I then let her arm go. "Sorry." I said. she looked to me then her arm. There was a large piece of glass sticking in her arm. "Don't worry like you said you don't care." She lifted her arm and began pulled the shard of glass out of her arm. She made no noise in pain, she just scrunched up her nose. The piece was finally out and she tossed it into the bin with the others and then ripped her shirt at the bottom and wrapped it wound her arm to stop the blood pouring out. She was tough. I looked at her in amazement. "Come on Carl, It's not like it's not normal now." she said walking away from me.


My Dad and Daryl came back at night fall. Daryl held two rabbits in his hands and my Dad had a bag full of tins and cans. Mia was upstairs while my Dad and Daryl unpacked I decided to take up a can of corn for her. "Mia." I called for her, I couldn't find her. I walked into our room and then into the room where I met her in. Then I looked to the room where she said we weren't allowed to go. I walked into the room. It was clean and looked untouched. Pictures hung from the walls, decorations on the walls and window sills. The bed was made up with flowery patterned cloth and the walls were mark free and painted a light rose pink. The closet was filled with folded up clothes, they looked too small to be Mia's. She must of had a little sister or something. Then I felt something on the back of my head. A gun barrel. "What did I say about this room." It was Mia, her hand was shaking. I turned around now facing the gun head on. "I came to give you some food and couldn't find you and I went looking for you." I said looking past the gun and to her torn face. "I'm sorry." I said standing my ground. She let the gun go and let it hit the floor. "Mia who's room was this?" I asked her. She turned to me and frowned her eyebrows. "My sisters, but she's dead now as is the rest of my family." she said.

"My mother died too, I-I had to shoot her." I said trying to get her to open up to me. she looked at me with pity and her face soften. " I had to kill my father." she said shallowly. "W-why did you have to kill your mother?" she asked me. I looked to her. She was finally opening up. "She died giving birth and I had to stop her from turning." I said with more bravery. "What about?" I asked a little quick, gesturing her to tell me about her story. She seemed stumble by my quick question. "My father......He.........Killed my sister then my mother so I killed him and that's why I'm crying, sobbing, muttering to myself all the time, that's why I'm a train wreck, but the worst thing is this happened before the world went to shit." 

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