Beginning (real part)

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We walked around my broken home. Fences, bricks and poles cover the ground. Children's toys, bits of old clothing and....and... I gasp catching Dylan's attention. "What's the matter Poppy?!" I walk towards some fallen wooden planks. I knelt down, pushing away the rubble and touching what I hoped I could see, but not like this. "Poppy, what is it?" Dylan asked again. I clutched it in my hands, letting a tear fall from my face onto the top of my hand. "Poppy?" Dylan said grasping my shoulder. I lifted it and stood up. "It.....its h.....his." I swallowed. "Its his hat, he never left anywhere with out it." Tears followed each other down my cheeks.

"Poppy, I'm sorry." Dylan apologised. I held his hat and whipped away my falling tears. I placed Carl's hat upon my head and straightened up. "No, you don't need to say sorry, there's nothing to say sorry for because I'm going to find him and when I do I'll give him back what belongs to him. Come on lets go."

Dylan follows me, we walk of my old footsteps. I used to run these woods before Alexandria fell, which was so long ago. I sighed "I just hope we find him soon."

"Maybe I can help you." sounded a voice, then a click of the safety to a gun. I stopped in my tracks turning around to see a man. His hair blonde and stuck back with his grease. Half his face seemed scared. "Don't move." he spat walking closer to me.

"Don't you lay a finger on her." Dylan said protectively.

"And what makes you think I'm going to hurt her." he said "I'm not the one you should be worried about." That's when everything went black.

I woke up feeling a pain, I reached to touch the side of my head feeling my crystalized blood down my face. I winced at my touch. Getting up, I looked about the room.  Nothing, only a door. I felt as if something was missing. I felt on top of my head finding Carl's hat missing. I widened my eyes. Suddenly the door clicked opening up revelling a man. His hair was a dark chocolate brown covering his forehead. His skin was clean and pale, but what made me notice him more was his eyes or should I say eye.


 Don't worry there will be a next part, I think I just like making cliff hangers even though this is quite obvious, but I will defiantly be making another part. read, vote and comment xx H


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